I have been struggling the past few years with keeping walleye hooked. If I had to guess, my percentage of walleye landed is less than 30%. I fish Lake Sakakawea almost exclusively weekly, clear water, and usually light biting fish.
1. Ive tried upgrading hooks replacing lures with VMC/Mustad/Trokar hooks and using quality octopus hooks on slip corks.
2. I started with very slow Haat ice rods to keep fish pinned. Later switched all my rods to faster Fenwick Elites lined with braid. Maybe the slower rods helped more but I remember still losing plenty.
3. Maybe I need to form new hook setting habits and give it more time before lifting? Youtubers seem to hook set immediately. Maybe my gentle fly fishing lift isn’t enough and I need to set the hook harder?
4. Walleye are severe head shakers and theres nothing I can do about it? The walleye on this lake are just light biters? Or maybe I just suck?