Looking out the office door

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    These things are everywhere in New Hope this year. Multiple big flocks. In the decade we’ve been at this location I’ve never seen so many poults.

    1. PXL_20220818_173137111-scaled.jpg

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    Vary cool James. I have a lot more around me then usual also.

    Posts: 4524

    Get your camo on and set out some decoys.LOL

    Posts: 4524

    Get your camo on and set out some decoys. LOL

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Better eating than geese……

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Just drove by a group of young ones on my road too.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Better eating than geese……

    LOL its not hard to beat a goose in terms of palatability

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1860

    There have been a lot of turkey and pheasant poults in Iowa as well as an increase in the number of fox i’ve been seeing. I just looked out my office window and there was a squirrel and someone smoking a cigarette. Not nearly the view you have there. jester rotflol

    Posts: 2918

    I know it’s primarily a fishing show but looks like a good opportunity for “Special Episode” has literally landed in your front yard! jester

    Posts: 354

    I never went for the turkey at family thanksgivings, I’d feast on grandmas roasted goose..

    Marinated goose breast on kabobs is yummy.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I’ve been seeing a ton of poults this year too. Wonder if it’s a more productive year for some reason, or the population is just growing that much, but a good sign for the future!

    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    Not only are we seeing them like that we are also noticing them waaayy up north as well near Tenstrike.

    Posts: 176

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    Better eating than geese……

    LOL its not hard to beat a goose in terms of palatability

    That’s it!! I’m done with your complaining about turkeys not coming to your blind and when they finally do, you trash their culinary value. I’m inviting you to a wild turkey feast. Let’s get together and find some common ground. (Mostly ground pepper)

    Posts: 873

    I would much rather have goose kabobs on the grill than a tuff old wild turkey.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    That’s it!! I’m done with your complaining about turkeys not coming to your blind and when they finally do, you trash their culinary value. I’m inviting you to a wild turkey feast. Let’s get together and find some common ground. (Mostly ground pepper)

    Hahaha. Wild turkey isn’t terrible. It just isn’t that good either. It’s just blah.

    Goose, on the other hand…

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>WishIwasWiser wrote:</div>
    That’s it!! I’m done with your complaining about turkeys not coming to your blind and when they finally do, you trash their culinary value. I’m inviting you to a wild turkey feast. Let’s get together and find some common ground. (Mostly ground pepper)

    Hahaha. Wild turkey isn’t terrible. It just isn’t that good either. It’s just blah.

    Goose, on the other hand…

    I’m thinking your chef game might not be that strong. Both geese and turkey is delicious

    Posts: 1179

    My theory is that city populations of turkeys thrive much more-so than rural populations because of lack of nest predation. Not as many coons looking for eggs in the city when they can eat birdseed.

    Give me goose or turkey over icky hog barn pork any day.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Give me goose or turkey over icky hog barn pork any day.

    Oh come on. Are you serious? I’ll trade you pork for a goose any day!

    Goose would work pretty well as pothole filler. Its tougher than nails and they’re everywhere. Plus our roads have a lot of potholes lol

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Oh dear, some of you guys don’t know how to prepare goose. My uncle makes everything from goose, summer sausage, stew meat, bologna, meatballs, brats, etc. Not only would you not pick out which is beef and which is goose, you’d like the goose version more. It’s some of the best and most versatile meat in the sky.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    Just had some goose sticks the other day from a family friend we let hunt our land. They were better than 90% of the beef/venison sticks I’ve had. It’s all about how you prepare it and what you add.

    They also cook some goose and duck kabobs wrapped in bacon that are phenomenal.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I’m thinking your chef game might not be that strong.

    x2!!! Gimruis is there wild game you DO like? These bass fisherman I tell ya… rotflol jester

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    x2!!! Gimruis is there wild game you DO like? These bass fisherman I tell ya…

    LOL actually yes there is! I like pheasant, grouse, venison (preferably young corn fed), and some ducks are fine too.

    Fish is OK if its out of cold water but I honestly don’t eat a lot of fish. I prefer saltwater fish given the choice.

    Certainly possible that my preparation or cooking skills are not that great too. I won’t deny that.

    I think I need to invest in my own smoker.

    Posts: 24658

    Better eating than geese……

    Canada Geese yes, snow/blue geese not so much they are very tasty.

    Not only are we seeing them like that we are also noticing them waaayy up north as well near Tenstrike.

    My buddy hunts turkeys in Roseau and has been very successful.

    Posts: 4362

    I’m thinking your chef game might not be that strong. Both geese and turkey is delicious

    I agree. I think wild turkey is delicious and goose is pretty darn good also. Never figured how people can like duck and hate goose.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Liver disgusts me, hence all things livery are banned from my table. I’m willing to exchange WT recipes/cooking secrets with anyone who can prove to my pallet that geese are edible. In my opinion, if geese tasted better, they’d be on the endangered species list.

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