Looking for some large pices of timber

  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1690

    Hi Guys, I know this is not the best place to ask or look but wanted to put a bug in your ears…. I am looking for large trunk sections of wood for chainsaw carving and getting the right piece is not as easy as I thought..
    If anyone has a large pine, oak, ash or walnut that you are cutting down and not using all the wood I would be willing to pick it up if it is not too far. I live in the SE metro. Pool 2 country.
    I really want to try and carve some bigger pieces. Pine is best to transport because it is light. But 5-6 ft section of hardwoods 16-20 inches in diameter are great pieces also. I have access to some nice pieces but its a couple hour drive. I just wanted to put it out there in case someone close had some sitting around or has plans to have a tree cut and removed. Thank you for reading and hope everyone is enjoying the weather!! I attached a couple carvings that I have done. Just want to do some taller and larger pieces.

    1. heron-finish.jpg

    2. redtail-hawk.jpg

    3. brown-bear-front.jpg

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    Some time if you get hold of city hall. They have area’s that you can pick wood up. I have seen area’s down here in the QC’s,Illinois. It might be a lead for you. Nice work!!!!

    We need a forum For all the artist on this site. coffee

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    I’m not sure where you’re at, but I’ve got a rather large trunk from an elm that I saved, it’s sitting on a patio and has been fairly dry for the past 3 or so years since it was blown over. It’s about 5-6′ long with about a 2′ diameter. I shaved a slight slab of the bark off to make a bench of sorts. I can send a picture. I’m a few miles north of Stillwater, MN.

    Another option in Minneapolis might be: http://woodfromthehood.com/

    I bike by here all the time, they always have some huge log sections sitting around.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1690

    Thanks Gary. I actually picked up a really nice piece from the city last spring that they were cutting down the street. I tried to contact the city dept and they never got back to me. Seemed like I had to catch them in the act of cutting and they were cool about leaving a piece for me. I forgot about them.

    Fishwater.. I assume they are looking for wood more than I am. I appreciate the offer on the elm. I have a lot of elm at home but its a tough piece of carving wood.. it does not detail well. Again, I do appreciate the offer.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Those are beautiful works sir. Keep it up and post the pics. I love this stuff.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    Over the course of this spring and summer I will be toppling some large trees and would love to get rid of the large trunk.

    ONe I am working on is an Elm. All bark needs to be removed bfore leaving my property as a precaution since it died on me. I already talked to my Arborist about transporting the wood.

    The next one is a 100 foot Spruce tree that is very large at the bottom. Trailer can be driven on the grass and maybe even a bobcat will be around.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 625

    Just a little heads up on wood from the city boulevard having worked for the DPW it can have a lot of nails and everything else in them. We even found cement was put in a tree where it was holllow to close the opening.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Might want to check with Chris Winchester. They have some large pieces of the tree that everyone hit when they launched their boat.

    If you offer to make one of them into a bench chair, I’m going to bet the rest will be yours. But I don’t want to put words in his mouth. PM me if you need his number or just google 4 seasons in Red Wing.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1690

    Thanks for the kind words Tom. I am happy you like them.

    Outdoors, let me know when they are going down. I have never carved spruce but sure would like to try it out.

    My email address is Jbusch at Twincitieslog.com. Just shoot me an email and I will be happy to pull a couple big pieces out. Elm debarks very easy if you end up having to do that.

    Brian, I believe everything down on that shore at everets is cottonwoods or maples.. They do make good benches. If I get good at this we could carve a pretty cool bench down there! that’s eagle country!!!

    Just finishing this one now.. Seen a few doing this business down that way.

    1. eagle-hungry.jpg

    Posts: 1535

    look at the county guys not the city guys. The county guys will have more flexibility and cover more rural areas. Try to find out where your local county park district stores their tree trimmings, then go visit the workers at that location. My local county will mulch the small stuff, but the larger logs sit in a big pile till they burn it about once a year. That pile usually gets at least 6′ tall and 20′ x 20′. Plus they’ve got the tractors that can load your trailer up in no time.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13286

    Just drove by a big trunk laying off radison road here in blaine. Guessing 5′ long by 2 to 3′ cross.

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