looking for more wingshooting

  • crawdaddy
    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    I live in the metro but would love to do some more wingshooting. I understand with ducks and pheasants you need to put time in scouting and create your own opportunities. I was wondering outside of those birds, what about the upcoming dove and crow seasons? My buddies did tell me a public spot to get some dove hunting in. It’s well known but they usually get to pull the trigger a bit every time they go and get some birds. I really would like to shoot some live birds before pheasant time starts. Crow hunting looks fun but I’m not sure how involved the equipment is to try it.

    Posts: 1890

    My cousin and a few of his buddies would go crow hunting with limited success. He always claimed they are much smarter than they appear.

    I have dove hunted once in western MN opening weekend is the time to be out and then again when they start flying south. They definitely make a guy realize what kind of shot they are. We hunted public and spent alot of time driving to locate birds before hunting.

    Ahren Wagner
    Northern ND-MN
    Posts: 410

    Something a few buddies and me like to do is shoot pigeons. Theres no season or limit either and they taste pretty frickin good for a “sky rat”. We hunt them pretty much just like doves

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    There’s an early goose season that usually starts around Labor Day every year. I haven’t done it in years now but we would scout and look for geese on fields and then ask for permission. Most land owners were MORE than willing to let us hunt them. The bag limit was 5 per hunter and it was a lot of fun if you got into an active field they were using. When a 15 pound canada goose hits the ground its thunderous.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    If you like wingshooting you will love dove hunting. I go several times each year, used to take opening week off and go every day. One of my favorites and a very social type of hunting.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Crow hunting is pretty easy with an electronic call. At least the first round. After that you may get another approach but usually best to start over at another location. I used to do it but now I just use a mouth call for the occasional shot. Crows need enemies too!

    Posts: 54

    I see dove season opens tomorrow (9/1) Anyone going out this week for it? I’ve thought about giving it a try.

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