Looking for info on getting a new Lowrance fishfinder

  • fishnfool1
    N. Idaho
    Posts: 1

    I’m interested in buying a new GPS sonar side-imaging unit. The unit I currently have a Humminturd DI. SI.GPS 698 is by far the worst piece of crap fishfinder I have ever seen. The side-imaging is totally bogus as you can go by a log sticking out of the water 10 feet from the boat and the unit will not show anything. The GPS never works right as it can’t find the “BUILT IN” antenna. I have never seen a fish arch on the screen.
    This unit has never worked correctly and even though I have complained to Humminturd about it many times they would not do nothing about it. MY advise is never buy any products from them.
    What I would like to get is the Lowrance with down and side imaging, GPS chart-plotter, chirp, and the genesis mapping feature. What I need to know is what models on the lower end of the price scale have these features and is there any other items needed to do this. as in do they all come with a GPS antenna? Transducer? I would be interested in a used unit that had these features as well if you had one for sale, but not sure what to look for. If anybody knows what models have the features I want could you give me the model number for a few in the lower end of the price scale.
    Also is there an official Lowrance forum?

    Inventor of the Fish-N-Fool knot.
    Grand Champion of Knot Wars

    Posts: 496

    Lowrance HDS Live, Carbon and Ti2 units. They are currently starting to discount the Ti2 units and will work nice unit if one is not linking multiple units (2+) together.

    Posts: 2851

    First post and running down a product that you have used many year’s.HMMM.I should say i’m impressed how you mentioned YOUR INVENTION.

    Posts: 4524

    The best SI out there is the Gen 3 Hummingbirds. Wondering if you have your settings set right for the conditions, or a bad transducer. That unit is a older unit and they have come a long ways.

    Posts: 1250

    I would argue that Lowrance hds units are best on the market for imaging and sonar. I’m using gen 3 hds units, the new hds live units are even nicer yet. Just not worth updating imo yet.

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