Looking for camping / fishing trip advice

    Posts: 4

    Hi everyone

    The last couple of years I’ve been to the Boundary Waters in MN for a camping and fishing trip. Loved it, but the guys I go with don’t want to travel so far this year.

    So I wonder if anyone here might have any suggestions about where to go. We live in Louisville, KY, and want somewhere within about an 8-hour drive. Looking for somewhere with basic campsites, fairly remote, with good smallmouth fishing, and an outfitter close by that rents boats or canoes. Ideally, somewhere that isn’t going to be buzzed by motorboats and jetskis every 30 seconds too.

    I hope that isn’t asking for too much – the Boundary Waters might have spoiled me! I’d go anywhere – north south east or west. But really want that isolation and good fishing! Looking to do a five / six day trip.

    Hope you can come up with some suggestions!


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Have you thought about a Canadian fly in?

    To cut down on travel time pick an outfitter near a Canadian city with air service and fly from KY.

    The BWCA is unique. I’m afraid anything closer will produce a letdown in terms of fishing and solitude.

    The closest thing I can think of would be St. Croix river float trip, but summer water conditions can be HIGHLY variable.


    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I would second that some type of river trip would likely be the most remote canoe camping option if a fly-in is not an option. Namekagon/St. Croix, Chippewa, Turtle/Flambeau, etc. are names that come to mind in WI. These waters would provide SMB, walleye and possibly muskie.

    The closest thing I can think of would be St. Croix river float trip, but summer water conditions can be HIGHLY variable.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    I’d be looking in eastern WI or anywhere in Michigan. I try to stay on the good (west) side of Sconnie, so I’m no help beyond that.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    The biggest problem I can see with a river float trip with multiple parties involved would be the possibility of a big rain blowing out the river right before the trip.

    I’ve never looked, but I’d think there have to be a lot of outfitters based out of Canadian cities like Thunder Bay where you can get a commercial flight in and then fly out on the float plane. Yes, it’s an added cost compared to driving, but time is money too…


    Posts: 335

    There are good flights from Mpls to International Falls , from there you could float plane or look at flying to Winnipeg Manitoba and then North from there

    Jerry Canoe
    Posts: 1

    I have a few thoughts there are a few flowages in northwest Wisconsin that have boat in campsites Turtle flambeau and chippewa and willow. A couple years back we rented a boat in one of the local towns and went out and camped on willow. Its not BW but you can find a semi secluded spot that you can camp.

    If you want to do eastern Wisconsin there is good fishing to be had in the winnebago -poygan area. I think there is and ice fishing video on poygan in one of the previous seasons. Camping would be car camping/drive up camping. High cliff state park is nice. I am sure you can find a boat rental somewhere.

    Good luck

    Posts: 4

    Thanks for your replies everyone, much appreciated.

    I’m thinking northern Michigan at the moment. Probably an 8-hour drive from Louisville, so doable in a day. Leave early enough, can be set up and fishing by early evening.

    Does anyone have a recommendation in northern Michigan that might offer some degree of isolation? Really what I want to avoid most are pleasure boaters and bass boats that think the object is to go as fast as possible.

    Any suggestions in northern Michigan?

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    Not sure if you can make it here in 8 hours, but check out the Sylvania Wilderness and Recreation Area. Its in the Ottawa National Forest on the west end of the UP.

    Posts: 4

    That looks amazing at first glance. Still a long drive (prob closer to 12 hours if you only stopped to get gas) but an easier sell than the 16 or so to the Boundary Waters. Thanks for the recommendation though I will check it out.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6021

    Is the UP now closer than the BWCA?

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    The Turtle Flambeau Flowage is a 10 hour drive for you, but its got excellent smallie and walleye fishing. Remote campsites spread out all over the lake with cabins only in the far western corner. Small boats or canoes would be just fine. I used to go up there every summer with my buddies. Couldnt recommend it more. I’d be glad to point you in some direction for fishing spots too if youre interested.

    But honestly, once you’ve experienced the BWCA, not much else will compare.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    Is the UP now closer than the BWCA?

    If your coming from Kentucky as the poster is/was, yes.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Is the UP now closer than the BWCA?

    I pretty sure it’s the same distance as it was a year ago, when the question was asked whistling jester

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