I know just enough about wiring to get myself in trouble occasionally. That said, I’m working on finally networking my graphs. Added an ethernet hub and connected 3 graphs to it and powered it following HB’s instructions. That went fine and was pretty simple. Here’s my problem. After powering everything up all 3 of my graphs shut off at pretty much the exact same time after about a minute. This continues to repeat itself when I restart everything.
My current set up is as follows…
-Electronics dedicated group 31 battery which is about 2 years old (completely separate from rest of boat wiring)
-20amp breaker at battery
-10ga wire running from battery to 1 switch at dash then to a fuse block (about an 18-20 foot run)
-Helix 7 G2N at dash connected to fuse block with HB power cable
-Helix 9 G3N at dash connected to fuse block with HB power cable
-Helix 9 G4N at bow connected to fuse block with HB power cable and factory 14ga wire (10-12 foot run)
-HB ethernet hub behind dash connected fuse block HB power cable
Total max draw is just under 7amps.
Only troubleshooting I’ve done is temporarily removing the inline 20a breaker to eliminate a possible faulty breaker. Prior to last night I only had the Helix 7 and Helix 9 G3N connected to this circuit and had no issues whatsoever. I’m going to throw a tester on it tonight, but I’m suspecting voltage drop and that I probably have to swap out my 10ga to 8ga supply wire.
What say you?