Looking for advice on a lake pump setup to run a sprinkler

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19473

    I dont want to use my well water to sprinkler the lawn at my cabin. I’ve seen others with a pump that runs a hose out into the lake.

    1) is that legal to do?
    2) does the pump need full time power or can I just run an extension cord to it?
    3) any advice on brand/hp pump to get?

    Posts: 4800

    From the Dnr

    1. 06A183CD-0B92-445D-B14E-9FF9AFBE0467.jpeg

    Posts: 19473

    Cool, I won’t be watering anywhere near that much…

    Posts: 299

    We use a 1 1/2 HP pump easily bought from Northern tool or ? Add 2″ suction hose in to the lake with a check valve and suction end of some sort. Run a 1 1/2″ up to multiple t’s to a set of hose valves to attach hoses and sprinklers to and you are good to go. Our pump is 240 volt and will push 10-14 sprinkler heads at once.

    Posts: 1811

    Make sure you get someone to spray all the weeds in front so the weeds don’t clog the water pump!

    Posts: 534

    I run a 1/2hp lake-pump off affectively a 12/3 wire extension cord. I water less than acre. I have a very little lift (from pump suction inlet to back of the lot) and can easily run 3 impulse sprinklers. I have a strainer basket in the lake to keep from sucking in crud.

    You basically have a shallow well jet pump installation running off a ground fault protected outlet from the cabin.

    Mine is a little more permanent. You can get as simple or elaborate as you want.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Make sure you get someone to spray all the weeds in front so the weeds don’t clog the water pump!

    My parents did this initially built their house in 2001. They pulled water from a small lake/large pond for their sprinkler system. Within days, it was clogged and water flow was poor. My Father fought that for one summer and then switched his water source back to the well.

    Posts: 1271

    I’m going to step on some toes here, I’m against anyone pumping water out of the lake just so you can have a green yard, the lakes and rivers are low enough without every jackwad sucking water out like it’s your private reservoir so you can have a lush lawn.

    Posts: 534

    Beast do you know anything about the water hydraulic around a lake.

    I live on a lake and water my yard from the lake.

    When I water my yard I am adding to the ground water level in my yard.

    The ground water level is ever so slightly higher than the lake level. And, the better part of the water that is put on my yard goes back into the lake minus some evaporation. Surface water to surface water, why do you think people are concerned about pesticides and phosphates.

    I don’t live in White Bear where the municipalities around the the lake have deep well pumped the aquifer down significantly for years reducing the lake level. This is a much different story.

    I am more concerned about the lake in front of my house than some of my weekend neighbors, that shoot down the lake in their wake boats or jet skies taring up the shoreline.

    Your friendly neighborhood jackwad…

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    From the Dnr

    wow…….i just always thought pumping water out of a lake or river was illegal!!! at home, in town i dont water my lawn but i do my garden.

    at the cabin my dad put in a pump from the lake. we dont water anything up there, just use it for cleaning fish, washing dishes and cleaning up. pretty sure more water evaporates out of the lake more then we use.

    Posts: 1271

    Beast do you know anything about the water hydraulic around a lake.

    I live on a lake and water my yard from the lake.

    When I water my yard I am adding to the ground water level in my yard.

    The ground water level is ever so slightly higher than the lake level. And, the better part of the water that is put on my yard goes back into the lake minus some evaporation. Surface water to surface water, why do you think people are concerned about pesticides and phosphates.

    I don’t live in White Bear where the municipalities around the the lake have deep well pumped the aquifer down significantly for years reducing the lake level. This is a much different story.

    I am more concerned about the lake in front of my house than some of my weekend neighbors, that shoot down the lake in their wake boats or jet skies taring up the shoreline.

    Your friendly neighborhood jackwad…

    I’m thinking I’m no expert,but common sense tells me not near the amount goes back into the lake as you think, multiply that by the number of lake properties that are pumping out of a lake and as yourself how many gallons are lost / day at how many days / year.

    Posts: 534

    Beast you get run off and base flow back to the lake and have some evaporation losses. Which is fairly low compared to the lake surface evaporation losses.

    1. map_mean_annual_lake.jpg

    2. GroundWater.jpg

    Posts: 534

    The base flow is bi-directional, keeping the ground water and lake level relatively static.

    Hope this provides some fact based insight into this discussion.

    Your friendly neighborhood jackwad…

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    The base flow is bi-directional, keeping the ground water and lake level relatively static.

    Hope this provides some fact based insight into this discussion.

    Your friendly neighborhood jackwad…

    😀James Bystrom getting all worked up again I see. You running low on the CBD James?

    Posts: 1271

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>djshannon wrote:</div>
    The base flow is bi-directional, keeping the ground water and lake level relatively static.

    Hope this provides some fact based insight into this discussion.

    Your friendly neighborhood jackwad…

    😀James Bystrom getting all worked up again I see. You running low on the CBD James?

    far from worked up, just gave my thoughts and concerns, and apparently the DNR has some concerns too.

    Avon, MN
    Posts: 639

    You really should have a professional take a look. There is alot to take into consideration when it comes to sizing a pump for a sprinkler system.

    Personally, I am a fan of Myers or Munro pumps, dependable and easily serviceable. Spendy but worth it. Brass impellers, multiple sizes.

    I also build sprinkler pumps using 4″ submersible well pumps. The benefit is cost and ease of operation. No priming recquired. No risk of losing prime and burning up the pump. Smaller hp submersible will outperform higher hp centrifugal pump.

    Most pump systems are run off of a pump start relay that is connected to the sprinkler controller. You will need live 220V to the lake.

    Posts: 19473

    I appreciate the helpful feedback, all I’m looking for is something to run a simple connect to a hose back and forth arching lawn sprinkler for 25-30 minutes while I’m at the cabin every weekend.

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