Looking for adventure and great fishing?

  • Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    I’m looking for a group of 2-3 people who would like to accompany with me and a buddy to northern Ontario. We will be leaving on the 22nd of August and returning to the states on the 30th. This is a trip I’ve made 28 times and haven’t been for 3 years and itching to go. We travel over 150 miles on good gravel one way, haul all of our supplies with us, 150 miles to closet store. I will give you all the details if you’re interested. Costs from Iowa about $500per person which includes gas to and from, boat gas, food for the week and camping permits. It’s nice to do this trip with another vehicle and boat because of the distance from civilization. You will need a truck, boat, tent and maybe a few other items. Looking for a group that’s willing to get along and have fun. Send me a private message.

    Doug Bonwell

    1. DSC02777.jpg

    Posts: 152


    I sent you a friend request. I would love to go if I weren’t already committed the same week.

    So, my post is a little selfish, but what is the temperature like the last week of August up there? I ask because we normally go the last week of July or so and it is often pretty darn cold at night even in July. I don’t mind the cold, but I wonder if the fish will be in different spots or, in your experience, are the fish still in their normal summer patters?

    For me normal summer patterns are: just outside of weedbeds, windblown shorelines, bass in the shallow weeds.

    Thanks and great luck on your trip!

    Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    The most fun I have had on a Canada trip to date. Would love to go back sometime!

    Tyler Schaefer
    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 67

    I just got back from a canada fly in trip last week!! It was a blast! Here are a few pics.

    1. image20.jpg

    2. image21.jpg

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