Looking for a scope for my crossman air rifle.

  • iowa roger
    North central Iowa
    Posts: 259

    It is a cheapie that uses a CO2 cylinder. I can’t hit the side of a barn with the open sight.
    There is a lot of scopes on the market. Just wondering what I should buy.
    I have rabbits eating my garden , need something to zap a few of em off.

    Any advise will be appreciated.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11951

    Does the rifle have an integrated dovetail type rail to serve as a scope mount where the rings will attach? Or is the rifle tapped for a regular mount like a Weaver?

    If you have a dovetail type mount, I’d just buy a scope kit like this one. Gander and Fleet Farm carry scope kits as do most Walmarts.


    I wouldn’t overthink this. Optical quality is of minimal concern at the distances and magnification you’ll be working with. I’d go with 4 power, anything more won’t be of any benefit.

    With a CO2 powered weapon, your velocity is very limited. You need to get close to whack a bunny.


    Bill Koepke
    Posts: 20

    Make you get a scope designed for use with an air rifle. Air rifles have a goofy recoil pattern that will really mess with a scope designed for a rimfire or centerfire rifle. I have 2 Gamos and the scopes they have are quite nice

    Posts: 433

    With CO2 power, any scope will work. Only springers need recoil resistant scopes. I’d get a 3×9 because you gotta headshot to make them stay put.

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