Longest Work Drive

  • 404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I think I have a better question. What are you driving all those miles??? or what is your vehicle plan.

    I drove my truck every day to work until last summer. Putting 16,000 pointless miles on my truck each year just for work got old.

    I picked up a 2000 Ford Escort 4cyl manual with 130,000 miles for $1,000 and get double to fuel mileage. It just makes since being you can save over $1,000/yr just on gas, assuming it isn’t much to insure and there aren’t any mechanical issues needing to be addressed. It does suck that I bought a nice new truck and it just sits, but she gets driven on the weekends. peace

    Posts: 3696

    As a headhunter who places people into various new positions – the general feedback is any commute 30 minutes or less in the metro area is considered “easy.” Up to 45 minutes people will do, but it has to be the right role. When you get up to an hour or more… the fall off rate is significant. People will do most anything for 6 months (or through a full winter commute) and then they start to re-evaluate. In my experience most don’t last much longer – maybe a year+ but the shine comes off the penny for most people at that point. You have to really like what you do for most people to continue.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    About 90 miles each way from Lake Mille Lacs home to guiding trips/boat ramps at Leech Lake.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>icenutz wrote:</div>
    The only reason I would work another year is to gain 10% on my pension, maybe it’s not worth it and I should just retire.

    I’m retiring in June and my wife has been retired for a year + already. I worked the extra year so that I had more confidence that I could fish/travel when I want without worrying about cost of living cutting into my hobbies. Good luck with whichever decision you make.

    I agree w/Dave here. Stick it out for the 10% and you’ll be glad you did for many years to come.

    Hastings, mn
    Posts: 351

    Hastings, to Mpls, 45min average. The company used to be in St. Paul, and I had a great commute.

    Posts: 2123

    I am 70 miles one way. I think I have a better question. What are you driving all those miles??? or what is your vehicle plan.

    I drive a Focus at present time. I am always on the lookout for a 70-80 thousand mile car to put in the fleet. I also get a car for my wife and after 4 years it becomes mine.

    I actually picked up a 2011 Outback, gets about 30mpg and with that I feel up about twice a week, nice to have awd when the weather turns to pot, 169 is not a kind road when it snows.

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