Locked my keys in my running car on the ice!

  • big_g
    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    I don’t work for RAM or Dodge or Chrysler or JEEP or FIAT. Apology accepted. cool

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Is Ford seriously the only one with the key pad? I’ve never thought about that before. I couldn’t live without the thing.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    Is Ford seriously the only one with the key pad? I’ve never thought about that before. I couldn’t live without the thing.

    Yes, at least at this point in time.

    Davenport, Iowa
    Posts: 203

    Magnetic key box has saved my azz soo many times. Older I get the more it’s paid off.

    Posts: 1291

    Ford has had the keypad for a long time.On a lot of newer vehicles,you can get a key cut that does not have the chip in it.Good for locking/unlocking and that’s it.Or on some,you can tape the chipped key next to the ignition switch and use any key.The price of some chipped keys-ouch!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6007

    Like the zip tie idea-knew a guy who worked for the railroad who would see lots of those magnet holders fall off when a car hit the tracks.
    Also when you are out of town have some cash with you -cash can get you outta trouble and get you help where a debit card may not.
    Asked the guy who helped me about getting a tow if you get stuck on the ice-he said his boss specializes in that kind of work, and “you don’t want that bill”

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I love the ON-STAR app on my I-PHONE for my GMC truck I bought at MARQUART Motors! LOL! ‘suppose I should have added hyper links…

    When my FW is taking too long to get home I send directions to HOME to the truck and in comes up on the radio display. ) She generally gets the hint.

    Haven’t had the need to unlock it using the app…yet.

    My key fob is separate from my keys to the truck because I can lock my phone in the truck but with the key fob separate I would have to leave my pants in the truck to lock myself out. That only happened once but that’s another story.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956

    devil rotflol jester devil ….. links…. devil They are a cool feature Brian… if worse comes to worse, you can log into the APP on any computer and unlock your truck, it doesn’t have to be your phone grin

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4339

    Best thing to do with an AAA card is use it to scrape windows with it.Crap service at best,wonder if there is better?AAA does stuff in their favor,not yours.They seem to look for the cheapest and slowest.Their service has slid down hill the past few years.Break a window IS cheaper and faster it seems.

    Pay for towing/roadside assistance on your car insurance. You can call anyone you want and pay for it and your insurance will reimburse you. Just send a paid receipt to them. Much cheaper than AAA also.

    Posts: 1250

    What I do is I have a magnetic key holder with a spare, purchased at Menards. I put it under the top rail of my GM pick up boxes. I don’t have to worry about it not being there and it has never fallen off into the box. Did this after locking keys in truck, haven’t ever had to use it though. yay

    Shhh, you’re giving away all my secrets! I locked my keys in my truck at a shooting range. Wasn’t all that bad, just went and shot a few more rounds of trap while I waited for a locksmith to show up and let me in! I guess our insurance covered it so I wasn’t out any money. I had always had a key in my wallet but took it out for some reason. Needless to say, now I’ve got a key in my wallet and a key in a magnetic key holder hidden on my truck!

    Posts: 1250

    Best thing to do with an AAA card is use it to scrape windows with it.Crap service at best,wonder if there is better?AAA does stuff in their favor,not yours.They seem to look for the cheapest and slowest.Their service has slid down hill the past few years.Break a window IS cheaper and faster it seems.

    Pay for towing/roadside assistance on your car insurance. You can call anyone you want and pay for it and your insurance will reimburse you. Just send a paid receipt to them. Much cheaper than AAA also.

    ^x2, That’s what my family has done. Cheaper and it’s easy should it ever happen to you. Call tow truck, get pulled. Or in my case get the truck unlocked. Send the bill to the insurance company and everyone’s happy.

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