There are some variables to consider in your boat wiring. Current will flow easiest to the wire with the lowest resistance, so when you turn the key to start the motor, those big wires hog current and can cause a drop in current to your electronics. That can cause your sonar units to shut down. The variables are battery size, battery condition, motor size, motor condition, wiring size and condition (clean or corroded connections), how many other acessories are running etc. A modern EFI motor will crank and start easier than an old carbureted motor. A 50-horse will crank easier than a 300-horse. I’d guess most pro’s and tournament anglers run separate 12- or 10- ga. wires directly to sonar units and separate battery for accessories only. All depends on the variables, but most low-budget guys like me can get by with beefing up the wiring size and keeping batteries maintained.