Livescope Build

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19436

    Can someone who is using a short network cable please provide a picture of it.


    it’s this 12″ cable, has the female screw in end that goes into the block box network port and then a regular RJ45 jack that goes into the head unit network port…You need to be very careful with the part # as the last 2 digits determine the male (010-12531-01) female (010-12531-10) connector

    Posts: 3239

    Marine General was 1000% sure I needed the 010-12531-01.


    Posts: 19436

    Marine General was 1000% sure I needed the 010-12531-01.


    I originally bought the wrong one… I was’t familiar with Garmin part numbers so i didn’t notice the 01/10 switch… it reduces the network cable from about 7’ long to 1’, not too much, but every ounce helps, especially not having to cram that wound up cable somewhere inside the case…

    Posts: 128

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>dandorn wrote:</div>
    Marine General was 1000% sure I needed the 010-12531-01.


    I originally bought the wrong one… I was’t familiar with Garmin part numbers so i didn’t notice the 01/10 switch… it reduces the network cable from about 7’ long to 1’, not too much, but every ounce helps, especially not having to cram that wound up cable somewhere inside the case…

    Thanks Joe – I was wondering about a shorter cable when I was putting mine together…seems like the network cable that comes with it takes up so much space. I think I will grab one of these to save some space/weight.

    Posts: 19436

    I just created a new posting all about LIvescope Ice Bundle weight and the pieces used to trim whatever weight we can, check it out

    Posts: 19436

    It’s crazy (well not really with the huge influx of new Ultra 102/6 series owners after the Black Friday sale) how the market for the LVS12 has exploded! I was lucky enough to get a new one for $250 and feel extremely lucky now…I remember seing used ones offered for $150 a few months back…

    Posts: 59

    I have a brand new 106 to let go if anyone is interested.

    Posts: 59


    Posts: 19436

    Post in the classifieds, not in a topic post

    Posts: 128

    Getting this thing dialed in – what are everyone’s favorite settings?

    -I’ve been leaning on the Blue color palette for perch/walleye, but also kind of like the Amber
    -Gain I’ve been adjusting usually between 60-70
    -Trails – off
    -Grid – off
    -Color gain – 70/80
    -Bottom fill – On
    -TVG – off
    -Noise reject – medium/high

    Also been using it mostly in Forward mode – wondering how often guys are using Forward vs Down? Definitely makes sense using forward for finding schools or getting on top of fish, but wondering if most guys are using down mode when sitting in the shack or on holes?

    When adjusting settings at home when not on the ice – I’ve been turning the transmit off, but wondering if there are any other precautions or things to do/not to do when the unit is on and out of the water?

    I’m open to any other tips/tricks/ideas on getting this thing dialed in the best I can.


    Posts: 19436

    I use Lava color scheme, color gain at 95%, gain between 60-68%, tvg off unless deeper than 20′, noice rejection at low, trails off, bottom fill off, grid and onscreen controls off.

    I use down view for ice fishing and direct vertical summer jigging, forward view for everything else, not a fan of Perspective view UNLESS I was looking for sunfish/crappie beds in the spring…

    Posts: 3411

    If I’m set up in a house I use down view. If hole hopping I use forward view. With forward view you still have some cone angling backwards. Just got a perspective view bracket mid summer but haven’t used it much so no comment about that view.

    Posts: 128

    Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it. Going to start messing around with down view more next trip.

    Posts: 67

    Cabelas has the echomap uhd 93sv for $699 and the LVS32 transducer and black box combo for $1299. You can save an extra 10% off these prices when you buy online and pickup in store with a promo code. Seems like a decent deal. Trying to decide if I should jump on it or wait for the new LVS34 transducer and/or better deals on the LVS32.

    Anyone know if the LVS32 and black box combo from cabelas comes with the LVS32-IF transducer with the better cable?

    Posts: 19436

    I sold my 32 and have a 34 on pre-order…Garmin will eventually ONLY support the 34 with new updates…it will only get better…

    Posts: 67

    Good point. May be best to wait and see some reviews of the LVS34 before jumping in..even if it is more expensive.

    Posts: 19436

    Good point. May be best to wait and see some reviews of the LVS34 before jumping in..even if it is more expensive.

    There are tons of reviews on youtube already, LVS34 is definitely better and has had only 1 software update that pretty much just added GLS10 compatibility for it, future updates will start to enhance it even more.

    Posts: 563

    The 32 seems more practical for me ice fishing. I really dont want to stop using my 6″ nils. Also, the summit arm over the side of the boat already has alot of drag w the 32. That 34 would really be dragging with any movement. I might have to look into a sturdier mount for open water if I go 34

    Posts: 19436

    The 32 seems more practical for me ice fishing. I really dont want to stop using my 6″ nils. Also, the summit arm over the side of the boat already has alot of drag w the 32. That 34 would really be dragging with any movement. I might have to look into a sturdier mount for open water if I go 34

    I dont think it will make that big of difference, its only an inch longer, I believe its also a tiny bit thinner than the 32…

    All that being said I’m investigating what pole to use with the 34, I still like the folding feature of the Summit brand. The Arclab pole has a huge problem imo in that you cant tighten the spinning function of the pole in summer mode…

    I’ll probably buy a Summit pole again…

    Dustin Zmetana
    Posts: 19

    Looking for help in Canada….
    Cabelas has a great deal on a 95UHD for $999 and I was able to price match the LVS32 and GLS 10 system for $1599. How will I know if I get an updated ducer cord? I have been reading there are newer ones?
    Sorry my pricing is in CAD.
    This will be set up for ice fishing only.
    I have a Garmin XL bag and base on order.
    What are other recommendations for a cheap build. I know the 34 is coming out but since it is only for Ice I can’t justify the cost.
    Should I wait until fall or Black Friday to wait on the livescope system for future rebates. I want to start building in the offseason and slowly acquire all the components over a longer period so the financial hit is softened.
    Thanks for any help….

    Dustin Zmetana
    Posts: 19

    Cabelas has the echomap uhd 93sv for $699 and the LVS32 transducer and black box combo for $1299. You can save an extra 10% off these prices when you buy online and pickup in store with a promo code. Seems like a decent deal. Trying to decide if I should jump on it or wait for the new LVS34 transducer and/or better deals on the LVS32.

    Anyone know if the LVS32 and black box combo from cabelas comes with the LVS32-IF transducer with the better cable?

    I am in the same situation in Canada and wondering about the ducer as well.
    Are these prices pretty good?

    Posts: 19436

    Looking for help in Canada….
    Cabelas has a great deal on a 95UHD for $999 and I was able to price match the LVS32 and GLS 10 system for $1599. How will I know if I get an updated ducer cord? I have been reading there are newer ones?
    Sorry my pricing is in CAD.
    This will be set up for <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>ice fishing only.
    I have a Garmin XL bag and base on order.
    What are other recommendations for a cheap build. I know the 34 is coming out but since it is only for Ice I can’t justify the cost.
    Should I wait until fall or Black Friday to wait on the livescope system for future rebates. I want to start building in the offseason and slowly acquire all the components over a longer period so the financial hit is softened.
    Thanks for any help….

    wait a month for folks upgrading to the LVS34 to finally get them and then you’ll see a huge influx of cheap used LVS32 systems for sale everywhere…ONLY look for the single cable design if just using it for ice fishing, the cable is more pliable when cold..

    Dustin Zmetana
    Posts: 19

    Thanks! The screen is priced decently so I should stick with that?

    Posts: 19436

    honestly i’m not familiar with the 95UHD, unless that’s just the Canada equivalent of the US EchoMap 93UHD? The 9″ screen works great for livescope, expect your ice bundle to weigh about 20 lbs when all setup…make sure to get the all in one power cord and the short 12″ network cable, it will reduce any cable clutter in your garmin bag.

    Dustin Zmetana
    Posts: 19

    Yes I believe the same as the echo map UHD 93. For 699$ US and the 32/GlS 10 for 1299$ Are those some of the best pricing you have seen for new? I will check today to see if the 32 is the improved transducer. It’s a single cable instead of 2??

    Dustin Zmetana
    Posts: 19

    wait a month for folks upgrading to the LVS34 to finally get them and then you’ll see a huge influx of cheap used LVS32 systems for sale everywhere…ONLY look for the single cable design if just using it for ice fishing, the cable is more pliable when cold..

    I am new so will need the GLS 10 as well. Most used 32s will likely be without the box. That’s why I am looking a new package.

    The other option would be getting a certified refurbished 10/32? Any knowledge of the refurb stuff??

    Posts: 67

    FWIW I ordered the LVS32 and black box GLS 10 combo from Cabelas for $1170. It did come with the upgraded single barrel cable that is more pliable in cold weather. Still on the fence if I am going to keep it or return and wait for better deals and/or the LVS34.

    Posts: 19436

    If buying refurbs through Garmin I believe they come with a 2 year warranty…

    Dustin Zmetana
    Posts: 19

    FWIW I ordered the LVS32 and black box GLS 10 combo from Cabelas for $1170. It did come with the upgraded single barrel cable that is more pliable in cold weather. Still on the fence if I am going to keep it or return and wait for better deals and/or the LVS34.

    Can you keep this thread updated. I am in the same boat. I think I will keep the screen at that price and sit on the fence for a bit. I have 60 days to return it to Cabelas. How were you able to get it reduced from 1299$ to 1170$?

    I might just wait to the fall to buy a refurb if there is 2 year warranty as well.

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