Livescope Build

  • grizzlyhackle
    Posts: 128

    I’ve got it mostly pieced together at this point:

    -UHD 93sv
    -Amped 30ah wide battery
    -Summit shuttle – Standard
    -Summit shuttle bag – Large
    -Garmin Transducer Pole and Ice Mount Combo – 18-36″
    -Livescope Transducer Cover
    -Summit Transducer Pole Cable Clamps

    Wondering if the Summit Glow Cup is worth it? (

    It wasn’t in stock when I placed my order and buying it separate is an additional $11 shipping. Just don’t want to spend an extra $30 unless its worth it in the long run.

    Also – waiting for Garmin to run their $200 rebate before pulling the trigger on the black box. Wondering if anyone has a good idea on when they usually run the sales? The last one was March 31-May 1. I feel like last year it wasn’t until November?

    I’m all ears for any other ideas/tips/tricks/must-haves. Thanks guys

    Posts: 19471

    You’re going to need the ice bundle power cord and I believe the network cord conversion cable?
    I’d also swap out that Garmin pole for the Summit…

    Small velcro strips work better than the cord clamps imo

    Make sure to get the newer “LVS-32IF” transducer…

    Posts: 128

    I tried to reply multiple times, but for some reason the post never showed up.

    -I’ve got the Garmin 010-12676-40 All-in-One Power Cable, is there another cable I need?

    -I’ve got the Summit pole – its just listed as Garmin on their website

    Is there more than 1 livescope/transducer? When I am on the Garmin website there is only 1 option?


    Posts: 19471

    I tried to reply multiple times, but for some reason the post never showed up.

    -I’ve got the Garmin 010-12676-40 All-in-One Power Cable, is there another cable I need?

    -I’ve got the Summit pole – its just listed as Garmin on their website

    <div class=”ido-oembed-wrap”>Garmin Transducer Pole and Ice Mount Combo</div>
    Is there more than 1 livescope/transducer? When I am on the Garmin website there is only 1 option?


    Yes, there’s a new “ice fishing” version of the LVS-32 transducer for sale this season, everything is the same as the previous LVS-32 transducer except it has a single-round silicone infused cable vs the typical double-barreled version, supposed to help with cold weather flexibility…we’ll see…

    Yes, that’s the correct power cable..if yo want to use the Livescope on your boat in the summer months, you’re going to want the longer pole (60″)

    Posts: 128

    Yes, there’s a new “ice fishing” version of the LVS-32 transducer for sale this season, everything is the same as the previous LVS-32 transducer except it has a single-round silicone infused cable vs the typical double-barreled version, supposed to help with cold weather flexibility…we’ll see…

    It looks like its the “LVS32-IF” – doesn’t look like they have it available in a kit yet? Its $999 for the transducer and then $499 for the black box…which is the same price right now as the Livescope system/bundle. Thanks for the info Joe, will have to do some more research on that.

    Posts: 19471

    Yes, there’s a new “ice fishing” version of the LVS-32 transducer for sale this season, everything is the same as the previous LVS-32 transducer except it has a single-round silicone infused cable vs the typical double-barreled version, supposed to help with cold weather flexibility…we’ll see…

    It looks like its the “LVS32-IF” – doesn’t look like they have it available in a kit yet? Its $999 for the transducer and then $499 for the black box…which is the same price right now as the Livescope system/bundle. Thanks for the info Joe, will have to do some more research on that.

    I “might” be getting one of the Ice ducers tomorrow, if so i’ll post a review of it…It’s available in the new Lithium Livescope bundle which is a complete ripoff, just piece your kit together individually (which it looks like you did)…

    Brandon Meyers
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 136

    If you don’t have the 93 yet I would look at getting the 8610. Going from the 93 to 8610 was huge for me. Other than screen size and resultion being better you can plug in a aqua vu multi vu into and use the screen as a display. It also has HDMI output so you can plug it into a TV and view the livescope that way.

    Just my 2c.

    Posts: 1122

    If you don’t have the 93 yet I would look at getting the 8610. Going from the 93 to 8610 was huge for me. Other than screen size and resultion being better you can plug in a aqua vu multi vu into and use the screen as a display. It also has HDMI output so you can plug it into a TV and view the livescope that way.

    Just my 2c.

    It should be huge, it $800 vs $2500.

    Posts: 19471

    For a mobile application (ice fishing) how many more volts does that head unit pull vs the UHD93?

    Posts: 12739

    If you don’t have the 93 yet I would look at getting the 8610. Going from the 93 to 8610 was huge for me. Other than screen size and resultion being better you can plug in a aqua vu multi vu into and use the screen as a display. It also has HDMI output so you can plug it into a TV and view the livescope that way.

    Just my 2c.

    Oh great now I have to lug a tv in my sled. jester

    Posts: 19471

    Before making my purchase, I thought long and hard about going to a 10″ screen, but the added power drain/cost/size/weight didn’t outway benefit of the 1″ bigger screen IMO…The Echomap 93UHD is a perfect match

    Brandon Meyers
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 136

    Not sure on the draw difference. I mainly use on my boat so I wasn’t to concerned. 93 is great, used one for 2 years. Size wise, the 10″ is about the same as the 93. Cost is a big downside. I had 2 93’s and sold them both for what I paid for them 2 years ago and went with the 8610. I haven’t ice fished with it yet, I picked the 10″ up this summer.

    Posts: 128

    If you don’t have the 93 yet I would look at getting the 8610. Going from the 93 to 8610 was huge for me. Other than screen size and resultion being better you can plug in a aqua vu multi vu into and use the screen as a display. It also has HDMI output so you can plug it into a TV and view the livescope that way.

    Just my 2c.

    I debated a lot on going with a bigger screen, but ultimately after fishing with a 93 and debating on the pros/cons, I ended up sticking with the 93. Might be worth looking into down the road for sure

    Posts: 1122

    Something I came across that might be of interest for a shuttle:

    Garmin Panoptix/Livescope Shuttle

    Posts: 19471

    Those shuttles are cool BUT offer zero protection! Thats a big risk on a $3k setup…

    Posts: 112

    Yes, there’s a new “ice fishing” version of the LVS-32 transducer for sale this season, everything is the same as the previous LVS-32 transducer except it has a single-round silicone infused cable vs the typical double-barreled version, supposed to help with cold weather flexibility…we’ll see…

    Yes, that’s the correct power cable..if yo want to use the Livescope on your boat in the summer months, you’re going to want the longer pole (60″)

    I just got a new livescope kit (010-01864-00) straight from Garmin and it has a single round cable. Not sure if it’s silicone infused but it feels pretty flexible. Either I got lucky or it’ll be on the standard LVS-32 transducer going forward.

    Rigged up a quick and dirty mount to test it on my kayak. Running it with my UHD73, works awesome. Excited to have it for the winter. Sure does suck through SLA batteries fast. Looks like the Amped 32Ah NMC battery is a pretty good upgrade for the extra 50 bucks it would cost over the 30Ah Lipo + charger.

    Posts: 19471

    Yeah, no idea how Garmin is allocating them…

    Posts: 19471

    BPS black friday add just leaked, they’ll have the EchoMap 93UHD for $699 and the Ultra 106sv for $999, both come with the GT-54 transducer…$100 more expensive for the 93 vs last year, that Ultra is an anwesome deal but I suspect they have extremely limited quantities and it sells out instantly…

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Joe for 300 dollars more the 106 ? Would you change your mind , or is the 93 everything for a dual purpose set up ?

    Posts: 19471

    Joe for 300 dollars more the 106 ? Would you change your mind , or is the 93 everything for a dual purpose set up ?

    couple of things to think about with the $999 BPS 106sv sale:
    1) its black friday only sale and my guess is they probably have very limited inventory available nationwide so expect it to sellout instantly.
    2) it pulls 3x the amps the 93sv does so that likely requires at minimum a 30+ah battery upgrade which adds $60 and more importantly 3 lbs of weight.
    3) its 1.4 lbs heavier than the 93sv
    4) there’s no portable cable for it, so thats alot of wound up full size cables
    to fit inside the case.
    5) there’s so many people buying the 93 and 106 just for a dedicated screen that the market for those GT54 transducers will go through the floor, so don’t expect to sell it to offset your screen price anymore…
    Is all that worth the extra $300 for an additional inch of screen and minimally better Livescope resolution? I’m going to stick with my 93UHD

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Thanks Joe

    Posts: 3403

    I started building a livescope setup using the setup from my boat. I first was going to use a summit shuttle and their XL bag. The bag has been back ordered for as long as I have been looking. They were supposed to get the XL bags in Friday and when they didn’t get them I thought I would go the hard case route. Without a bag, bouncing around in the fish house behind a snowmobile seemed like a good way to break something. I did have one other guy he didn’t know how well the GPSMAP 1042xsv would fit in the bag if they did get them in so that was another reason I went this route. I am just waiting for power cables for the head unit, and the black box and I should be set. I did order the summit pole mount to sit on the ice. Hopefully the diameter of my brew city pole will work with the summit. I think it should work fine. Time will tell I guess.

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    2. 20211114_145018-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 302

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Don Meier wrote:</div>
    Joe for 300 dollars more the 106 ? Would you change your mind , or is the 93 everything for a dual purpose set up ?

    couple of things to think about with the $999 BPS 106sv sale:
    1) its black friday only sale and my guess is they probably have very limited inventory available nationwide so expect it to sellout instantly.
    2) it pulls 3x the amps the 93sv does so that likely requires at minimum a 30+ah battery upgrade which adds $60 and more importantly 3 lbs of weight.
    3) its 1.4 lbs heavier than the 93sv
    4) there’s no portable cable for it, so thats alot of wound up full size cables
    to fit inside the case.
    5) there’s so many people buying the 93 and 106 just for a dedicated screen that the market for those GT54 transducers will go through the floor, so don’t expect to sell it to offset your screen price anymore…
    Is all that worth the extra $300 for an additional inch of screen and minimally better Livescope resolution? I’m going to stick with my 93UHD

    same thing i am going through right now. Thanks for the feedback!

    Posts: 302

    Now if I had the cash I would love one of the 86 units. )

    Posts: 302

    Is the summit xl bag really necessary if running a 93? Also, hoping to use something like this for Winnipeg. Is the 36″ pole enough? I am leaning towards the longer version.

    Also, Reeds just posted there all season package with 30Ah lithium for 2800 and you still get the 200 rebate. that is hard to beat even when putting together with Summit. Now if summit has some black friday deal then maybe…

    Posts: 19471

    Is the summit xl bag really necessary if running a 93? Also, hoping to use something like this for Winnipeg. Is the 36″ pole enough? I am leaning towards the longer version.

    Also, Reeds just posted there all season package with 30Ah lithium for 2800 and you still get the 200 rebate. that is hard to beat even when putting together with Summit. Now if summit has some black friday deal then maybe…

    I prefer the Garmin XL bag for the 93, the issue with the bags is that you’ll want to be able to easily zip the case shut with the screen & Cover still attached. I beleive the Summit XL bag is for 10″ screens…

    The Reed’s package looks like a good deal if you want the summer cradle for your boat except it uses the stock pvc pole system (wasted $100+) I quickly priced the parts out ($700 for 93, $1,300 for Livescope, $200 for battery & charger, $115 for Summit pole, $55 for ice bundle power cable, $150 for Garmin XL case totals to $2,520 before any taxes or shipping/after rebate) so Reed’s is $2,600 before taxes/after rebate? There’s also X value in getting everything delivered in 1 box though…again these are easily found prices, you find better prices with more time searching but then also waiting for everything to be delivered by different retailers…

    I’ve never heard of Summit doing any types of sales unfortunately…What i’ve learned from buying from them is to try and get everything you’ll want from them in 1 order, vs buying X now and Y later, so you only pay the high shipping fee once…

    Posts: 302

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>olas88 wrote:</div>
    Is the summit xl bag really necessary if running a 93? Also, hoping to use something like this for Winnipeg. Is the 36″ pole enough? I am leaning towards the longer version.

    Also, Reeds just posted there all season package with 30Ah lithium for 2800 and you still get the 200 rebate. that is hard to beat even when putting together with Summit. Now if summit has some black friday deal then maybe…

    I prefer the Garmin XL bag for the 93, the issue with the bags is that you’ll want to be able to easily zip the case shut with the screen & Cover still attached. I beleive the Summit XL bag is for 10″ screens…

    The Reed’s package looks like a good deal if you want the summer cradle for your boat except it uses the stock pvc pole system (wasted $100+) I quickly priced the parts out ($700 for 93, $1,300 for Livescope, $200 for battery & charger, $115 for Summit pole, $55 for ice bundle power cable, $150 for Garmin XL case totals to $2,520 before any taxes or shipping/after rebate) so Reed’s is $2,600 before taxes/after rebate? There’s also X value in getting everything delivered in 1 box though…again these are easily found prices, you find better prices with more time searching but then also waiting for everything to be delivered by different retailers…

    I’ve never heard of Summit doing any types of sales unfortunately…What i’ve learned from buying from them is to try and get everything you’ll want from them in 1 order, vs buying X now and Y later, so you only pay the high shipping fee once…

    Thanks, yea i havent heard great things about the garmin pole.

    Posts: 302

    Same, dont see many of those available right now

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