Live Minnow Rigging Walleyes

  • Obsession
    Maple Grove
    Posts: 114

    Folks, I’m newer to ice fishing for walleyes and hoping to make improvements for next season.

    This season I only landed about 33% of walleye bites on live minnows. I typically rig a small sucker or shiner with a single #6 octopus hooked through the back (just behind the dorsal fin). I used a small float to detect bites on a slack line jigging rod. Typically, I’d wait 10-15 seconds after the strike to set.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Bigger hook or treble for that size bait.

    Posts: 332

    Bigger hook or treble for that size bait.

    What he said ^. Minimum size 4 hook and for small suckers I would probably use a size 2.

    Maple Grove
    Posts: 114

    I hear ya on the bigger hook size. Do you still run just one hook? Certain hook style?

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Are you taking the line slack out before setting the hook? Guessing you’re pretty experienced here but sometimes hookset technique matters.

    Posts: 332

    If I’m fishing on a rod, I run a single hook. If it’s a tipup or rattle reel I’ll throw on a single treble hook. Im honestly not sure I couldn’t get away with just using a treble on my rod setups either, the fish don’t seem to mind them on my set lines….

    Maple Grove
    Posts: 114

    I wish I’d found that IDO video before this season!

    I avoided trebles thinking their size might limit the action of the minnow. I can see how this wouldn’t be a concern for larger minnows. I’ll certainly pick up a pack of these quick strike trebles before next ice season.

    Maple Grove
    Posts: 114

    Are you taking the line slack out before setting the hook? Guessing you’re pretty experienced here but sometimes hookset technique matters.

    Yes, I tighten until I feel resistance then make a smooth pull for the set.

    In most cases, I feel the weight of the fish for an instant (even if I let the fish run for some time). It make sense that using too small a hook would yield this result.

    Posts: 122

    Anyone looking for those Sure Set hooks in the video, they have some at Jann’s Netcraft.

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