LiTime Mini Batteries

  • B-man
    Posts: 6687

    Looking to get a pair of batteries to swap between our little boats, does anyone have any experience with the LiTime Mini’s?

    I’d assume they’re similar to the more proven full size??

    1. Screenshot_20250322-193733-1.png

    Posts: 674

    My guess would be that they are “pouch” cells vs “prismatic” cells on the inside which is not ideal for a battery that will take some abuse in a boat. Basically pouch cells can be packed into a smaller form factor but lose durability. Not sure if there is a lot of boating specific data out there for each form factor. I believe prismatic is also much easier to replace if an individual cell goes bad. Personally I’d stay away from the mini if space isn’t an issue, but they come with a warranty so worth a shot if you need the form factor.

    Of course confirm with the manufacturer if it’s pouch vs prismatic, I’m assuming this based on the standard.

    Posts: 6687

    Thanks Finicky, I did some research and found that you’re correct.

    I think I’m going with the group 24 100ah.

    Now to decide if I want to pay extra for Bluetooth or even more yet for self heating.

    Posts: 6687

    Found a discount code and went with a pair self-heating, Bluetooth, group 24 100ah and the LiTime 2-bank waterproof 20amp charger (independent 10ah banks)

    $728 for everything shipped/tax

    Posts: 6687

    Ordered directly from LiTime, it was better pricing than Amazon and I used code: 8PRIME for anyone that’s shopping.

    The code probably works on Amazon too, but the shipping time was better directly from LiTime.

    James Almquist
    Posts: 624

    Let us know how the Bluetooth works as far as the features. On my Ionic the best feature is the amp draw and how long it will run at that rate of draw. It was interesting to see how much my livescope was drawing and how much it helped turning down the brightness.

    Posts: 674

    Havent heard great things about LiTime’s bluetooth app, but I still wouldn’t buy a lithium battery without it. Makes management so much easier. Some have settings so you can set it to charge up to certain levels for longer storage.

    Posts: 368

    A while back I was on their website and they had some pretty steeply discounted slightly used batteries. Ones they claim people bought and they didn’t fit and stuff like that. I believe they come with full warranty if I remember correctly. Anyone ever gone that route? I’m going to be in the market for a couple batteries ASAP. Just can’t decide which route to go

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