Lithium 12V Trolling Motor Batteries

  • msw1700
    Posts: 46

    Has anyone made the switch to Lithium 12V batteries for their trolling motor? Are they worth the price? With a 36V trolling motor, sticker shock sets in as an under statement… Need to replace my batteries next year but don’t necessarily want to pay $500 – $900 a piece. Insane!

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    I would never buy them simply because my AGM batteries last longer the what “I” need then too. If you find yourself constantly running out of battery juice, then yes, the investment would very much be worth it.

    Regarding longevity, I’m not sure how long Li batteries last but my AGM’s push 10 yrs.

    Posts: 46

    Thanks for the info. What type of AGM batteries do you have?

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Cabela AGM. I haven’t needed any since the merger so I don’t know if BPS uses the same manufacture. A couple times a year they go $50 off.

    Posts: 1291

    You can get a dedicated 36v lithium battery that weighs 30lbs(40AH)plus charger for the paltry cost of 2499.99.Lithium Pros.The tournament guys with the $$$ are using these,more of a space/weight savings.

    I would be up for the 24v model,when they get reasonably priced.1/2 the weight of one 31 series(12v)in the same space.

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