Line twisting problems

  • mitchfic
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 91

    Im having trouble with line twisting as I’m spooling my reels. Im spooling just like the videos show in the correct direction but as I’m reeling the line is jumping and twisting off the spool and is causing knots before it even gets to my hand. I thought it might be old stock line that I bought but I bought more from another store and now having the same problem. Thanks

    Posts: 7348

    What helped me was not pinch the line so tight going on. Think firmly loose.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    With that small spool on ultralight spinning reels, its more of a problem. Using the smaller pony spools helps a bit more than the filler spools. It’s the difference in spool diameter.

    I personally don’t have those problems, but once in a while I notice the line twists as I’m spooling.

    Ryan Scholl
    Posts: 146

    does anyone else do it this way? This is how my dad showed me a long time ago.

    I run the line through 1 or 2 guides, then set the spool on the ground by your feet. start reeling, when the coils coming off of the spool of line start getting tighter, flip the spool over and continue. keep doing that until your spool is full. i crank the drag up and hold the line with my hand at the guide for tension. It has worked for me for as long as I can remember.

    Posts: 191

    I go through all of the guides, and make sure that when I tie my line to the spool, I am tying the knot with the natural coil that aligns with the way it would naturally go onto the spool. I put the spool between my feet and keep tension, the spool is standing with the line coming off the top. I also pinch the line by the reel before it goes onto the spool, hoping that this helps take some of the twist out. I have had good success with this, but it’s not perfect, and after you start fishing, it usually ends up twisting up from catching fish. Inline reels aren’t a perfect solution, but you can get a decent one for a pretty good price, and it does help, but not eliminate line twist. Good luck

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    I’ve seen this, the vast majority of the time it’s caused by a sticky rolling bearing on the bail.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    does anyone else do it this way? This is how my dad showed me a long time ago.

    I run the line through 1 or 2 guides, then set the spool on the ground by your feet. start reeling, when the coils coming off of the spool of line start getting tighter, flip the spool over and continue. keep doing that until your spool is full. i crank the drag up and hold the line with my hand at the guide for tension. It has worked for me for as long as I can remember.

    Exactly the way I have done it for 40 years with 0 problems. Although I do put the line through all the guides. Learned this from my Grandfather who was a fishing master for sure!

    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616

    I’ve seen this, the vast majority of the time it’s caused by a sticky rolling bearing on the bail.

    I had a reel that would do this and twisted line up like it was its job. Sometimes its just the reel. Check the roller bearing as stated above.

    Also if you are cranking while the drag is clicking it will twist up too. Are you a guy that likes a loose drag on your reels? Maybe you are putting too much pressure on the line and the drag is too loose while spooling. Could be your problem.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Keep in mind that manufactures suggestions and videos are just that – a SUGGESTION.

    Some reel manufactures may have a turret that rotates the opposite direction of another…or the line is spooled the opposite of another manufacture at the factory.

    Easy way – start it and crank 10 to 15 turns on your handle. Check for twists and if it is springing off. If its straight ann relatively limp – all is good. If its twisting and for crap, rotate the manufactures spool of line over 180 degrees and continue for 10 or 15 more cranks and check.

    If its equally as bad from both directions, then double check the technique used as stated above by others.

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