Lindy, spinner or slow death?

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5831

    Fishing a lake with walleye and catfish (yes we want to keep a couple of cats) !st time fishing the lake so we need to cover some water-might start with cranks maybe troll a Salmo (other crank ideas?) As the water warms do people get away from the traditional Lindy? People use those long snells in shallow water? Not really a Walleye fisherman so thanks for the help.

    Posts: 7348

    Spinners with slo death. I like 1 or #2 hooks myself for hookups.

    Perfect union for eyes and cats.

    Cranks are tougher nowadays with rec boats churning up weeds, bullet sinkers and spinners may not be the best presentation, but it’s the most effective presentation if that makes sense.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5831

    Thanks so I am hearing to use a bullet weight with a spinner and slow death-any other details to add? (color, lengh, speed etc) Thanks

    Posts: 7348

    Of shallow, less than 10′ yes a bullet will be your ticket. Snakes through the weeds well. I have people setup with different weights to determine how boat shy fish are, and other things. 1/16oz, to 1/4oz.

    Colors, again, vary until you find what they like. I find overall fish prefer what is on backside more so the front, ie silver, gold, chart etc. Beads, egh, whatever neutral colors.

    Speed, 1-1.7. Pay attention to your inside turn and outside, if fish are hitting one way or other adjust accordingly to better present into the hotzone.

    That depth better keep snell shorter, say less than 5′, 4′ is pretty good.

    If not catching crap on spinners change it up. Throw a crank on, throw a spinner bait on, etc.

    Good luck, report back.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5831

    Great feedback thanks-would think with that setup you could set the hook right away so I like that.

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