Get the boats ready!!!

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I just drove by a couple of the Lincoln area lakes during my lunch and they have been open at some point the last few days. They now just have a skim of ice on them but you could easily drive a boat through that. With the wind and warmer daytime temps reopening them daily, I think I may be launching my boat this weekend. I might have to drive around to break up the skim ice in the morning but I have to get out there no matter what!

    Lincoln, NE
    Posts: 487

    I’ll be getting my boat ready this weekend. I have to finish installing some electronics and get all my tackle organized and ready to go. My first tournament of the year is next weekend. So Wednesday we will be headed for the Lake of the Ozarks. The season’s getting close now.


    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    ’bout time I heard rumor that Mac is 80% open. Anybody else hear anything along those lines?

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    Good luck to you guys. I wish the lakes were clearing here. I had three feet of ice back home this weekend

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    I’d say that 80% of Calamus and Sherman are open. Just need to get the bays open with the ramps in them. Then it is good to go.

    happy boating

    Posts: 29

    enders and trenton are both wide open, i would guess that mac would be too zach, not for sure, it will be shortly, i’ll tell when i catch some walleyes

    it won’t be till after the middle of march, heading to argentina to bother some doves on thurs

    Gale Johnson

    Lincoln, NE
    Posts: 487

    I don’t know if any of you have seen my post in the Kansas forum, but Milford Lake is 100% open. I’d bet Harlan isn’t far behind.


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