4-2-07 Lincoln Area Walleye Report

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Pete and I made it out to one of the Lincoln area lakes and had a little luck before the cold front on Monday. I’m happy to report that the majority of walleyes have moved off the spawning areas and are hungry. We focused on a couple of different breaks on the main lake. The fish we caught were on the top of the breaks and just hammered our live bait rigs. We were running minnows as we forgot to bring any crawlers. I’m guessing the crawler bite should be picking up over the next couple of weeks. I’m hoping we can buy leaches soon.
    Here’s a picture of a couple of keepers we ended up with for the evening.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    Thanks Ben and I am with you on the leach thing

    them thar hills, SW Nebraska
    Posts: 173

    Congrats Ben. I think you can find leeches in about every walk of life

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Been out on the water a couple nights this week and landed a few eyes. Nothing huge but some good eaters. Most were right around 16″ but I did see another guy land 3 that were over 25″ Too bad they all went home with him.


    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Get his boat numbers or plate numbers, Layne? He could use a visit if he’s taking 3 home over 22″ in one day. Those are people who flat out shouldn’t be able to fish.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I keep the sheriff’s number in my cell phone. I usually call something in a few times a year.

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    I tried guys… but he left really quick like after he saw what I was doing. He has been out there in the same spot each night since then as well trying to do the same thing. He has been getting fish still but none of that size anymore. Last night I was out getting into a few fish again and man you would not believe the amount of cars out there in every parking lot!

    Layne Monroe

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