1-22-06 Wagon Train Report

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I made it out to Wagon Train this afternoon for a few hours and had terrible luck! There was 5-8 inches of ice depending on how much snow was on top. It would get real slushy after drilling holes. There were 5 of us out there and caught 1 – 4 inch bluegill. We marked a lot of fish but they had no interest in biting. I probably drilled 60 holes for that one fish.
    I think I’m heading to Pawnee tomorrow afernoon. I’ve always had some decent luck out there in years past on some nice crappies and some nice walleye. I’ll let everyone know how I do.

    Posts: 5130

    Howdy Ben
    I haven’t hit the local ice yet, going out tomorrow. But, after spending the weekend on Mille Lac, it is tough getting back to reality and fishing small lakes and ponds

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