Lillydale Access

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6091

    Road to the ramp is closed. Little early if you ask me.


    1. 1091AFF0-FF47-4F9E-8ED0-E07E668BF449.jpeg

    Posts: 659

    Id say so.According to the river guage website at 14’portions of Lilydale Park start to become submerged.Its at about 5′ rite now.Quite a few years ago they came and locked me in Lilydale when they decided to close the road and landing,I want to say the guage was at about 10′ when they did that.Last year the road shut down from the yacht club to downtown for a aids walk or something.Not a single person walking,jogging,biking anywhere in sight.Was a ghost town except for the cop guarding the road by the boat ramp.Said the whole park had been rented out and he wouldnt let me in.St Pauls parks management flat out sucks.

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