Well, you say 1-2 year old boats? To echo Grouse, let’s look back at the last 1-2 years and remember what happened. Literal billions in cash flow for practically anyone that signed up. 3 years of extravagant purchases and now Covid cash has dried up. Time to actually pay bills and get back to ones actual standard of living. It’s not just boats either. It’s everything that can be liquid.
As a musician, I can tell you that the amount of gear that this country has purchased the last 3 years is asinine and that a lot of it will no doubtably be on the used market within the next couple years. I know I certainly upgraded my studio. With new market demand finally becoming lower and prices becoming higher than, Stanley makes a good point too.
I’m honestly surprised I haven’t seen more used firearms on my local market yet (Michigan). Which, makes me happy that people are exercising there 2A rights but it isn’t doing jack all for prices and supply.