Leveling/Grading Land

  • bigstorm
    Southern WI
    Posts: 1488

    I’m looking to level out some land, it is mostly sand but fairly uneven when walking across it. The size of the area is 65ft by 100ft. I’m thinking some type of drag behind my ATV or may a roller like you would use in a yard (problem with the roller is i have no water sources to fill it at the moment)

    Here are a few drags/harrows I have found. Has anyone used something like these before?



    Attached is a picture of the area from this summer, the grass/weeds have grown up quite a bit since then and if I used a brush mower now, there would be numerous spots where I would it the sand with it

    Looked at making something out of chain link and pips but I would have almost as much wrapped up in material as buying one for around $100

    thanks for any ideas

    1. Resized_20190707_090839_4260.jpeg

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3893

    Even though it may be sand Its not going to work near as easy as you think.
    with all the stick debris and root structure I dont see this being an ATV job. Honestly, I would bite the bullet and find someone with a bobcat to come it. It actually would not be that much if they dont need to haul material in/out. Id guess $200-$300

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 413

    Maybe a spike tooth drag harrow? I’ve used it quite a bit for leveling out areas.

    Posts: 176

    I would disc it first, either hire it done or rent a small ATV type. After that you could harrow it. I have drug a cattle or hog panel across a food plot after discing with good luck. But I don’t think the harrows in the picture would do much with all the grass and sticks.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    I agree. I would disc it. Then drag it to level to level it out. The drag by itself will just ride on top of the grass. For a small plot like that, I would use something free like a pallet to drag it with, rather than buying something. At least if it is only a one time job.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1488

    Thanks for the suggestions

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13740

    What’s your end result? Building pad?, just easier to walk? If you want it level and clean, then hire someone who is well experienced. If its just to be easier walking, disc it up again and again, then drag. Ive used cyclone fence with a 16′ pipe on the atv side and bricks chained to the fence

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1488

    the end result would be ground that is mostly flat that I can camp on and set a shed on for starters.

    starting to think it may be easiest to have someone come in and level it off with a bobcat or tractor. Im guessing if its someone that knows what they are doing, it would only take an hour. On the flip side, I could rent one and make it take 3+hrs but do it myself.. LOL

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2213

    I have a similar problem with a little over 2 acres up at my lake place place. Very rough and uneven, hard to mow. I rented a disc plow to pull behind my side by side to try to turn the top couple inches up and then drag a harrow rake to level it out. Ineffective. I had the right idea but not the right equipment. It needs a bob cat and a bigger disc plow to be effective.

    So next summer I’m just going to have a bunch of loam delivered rent a bob cat spread it around and level it. Going to costs some $$ but that’s what it needs.
    As it is if I don’t do anything I will be buying a new riding mower every two years not to mention chiropractor bills.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13740

    Get a track skid steer for a day and have fun

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1488

    Get a track skid steer for a day and have fun

    I think this will be the way to go, there is a place that has a smaller tracked Vermeer that you stand on the back with a bucket on the front that I can rent when the time comes

    Posts: 1811

    My opinion, if you’re not to familiar with a skid steer, no experience ,have it hired out, you can make a mess real quick.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 983

    Or add MORE sand to top dress and level it that way if it isn’t too uneven. That way you don’t end up with mud for half the summer until the plants grow back from plowing/grading.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 991

    Also could look at renting a garden tractor with a rear tiller then drag smooth

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    With sand, you should be able to build some sort of simple box grader to pull around behind a wheeler. My dad made one when I was a kid out of steel L angle to bite and scrape higher spots and a dimensional lumber box framed to move material. We used a couple concrete blocks to vary the bite.

    The front iron capped the box for durabilty, the back had the iron set to scrape like a blade. He used a quality oak pallet to finish with.

    Posts: 756

    My opinion, if you’re not to familiar with a skid steer, no experience ,have it hired out, you can make a mess real quick.

    A good operator makes it look easy. It is not.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12000

    From experience, I can tell you to just hire it out.

    It sounds like a simple thing, but you don’t own any of the equipment required to do this job right. And to do it right, it will require multiple pieces of equipment. ATV equipment would be totally mismatched to a job like that and it would take FOREVER.

    A drag or drag/harrow alone won’t do it. Either you need a heavy-duty disc harrow to turn the soil or you need to bring in and distribute some kind of topsoil or fill, which requires a tractor/loader or a skid steer. Then it needs to be dragged level.

    Totally agree, doing a good job with skid steer looks easy and is certainly NOT.


    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Where are you located? I own a contractor company we have multiple track skidsteers we can come out and grade just need location. Feel free to call or text me 763-777-0084

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