Let's hear your Craigslist funnies

  • jld
    Posts: 813

    I posted some ice fishing equipment on the classifieds page here and same stuff on Craigslist. Just got a text from a guy with a Cocoa Beach, FL area code asking me to text his dad with an Atlanta area code if it was still available. That can’t be a scam is it? ???? Couple years ago I got a text from a “dad” asking me to hold a 12 year old mini van for his 19 year old son in the Navy. He would send a “certified check” and arrange for pick up. What 19 year old wouldn’t want a 12 year old mini van? I wonder how often this crap works on people. Once you tell them face to face cash deals only they tend to go away.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    My wife listed some clothes and shoes. She got a message asking if she had the shoes in a different size. Guess they thought that we were a shoe store.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I listed a small boat for sale. A guy emailed me and said he’d take it if it was everything I claimed it to be. He’d swing by Saturday. I said, ok I’ll hold it for you.

    In the meantime I had two other guys that were very interested. I told them sale pending. Well Saturday passes and nothing. I finally get a hold of the guy after a few calls. He says in a very irritated voice “I’m no longer interested!” I said ok… I held it for you. He then said, “you have to be the dumbest person in the world! I feel sorry for you!” Then he hung up.

    It may be stupid, but I still prefer to be the nice honest guy on CL.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    Not CL but I once went to look at a used car and it had no windsheild-the guy told me i should have asked about that on the phone.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Had a 1992 pro v lund tiller (great boat) on Cl a guy from Winnipeg kept texting and trying to haggle without seeing boat. Citing stuff that wouldn’t of been expected to be perfect on a 1992.
    Last ad my brother posted was listed price firm and no jack@$$3s kept the low ballers away

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    I had posted a piano I inherited and really didn’t have space for. A bunch of family pictures were hanging on the wall and some stupid woman kept emailing about the cost of the pictures. Another wanted the pictures thrown in with the piano. Ironically, the piano was listed as free- you pay to have it professionally removed from my home and into yours. No mention ever about anything available but the piano.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    My nephew got a power auger for $20 today.

    I listed a funiture set for $300 expecting someone to haggle me down. A girl who was going off to college came with her dad. We have pets, so the stuff wasn’t pristine.

    The dad wasn’t too sure about it and I think he wanted to haggle or just leave. His daughter put the kebosh on that and paid full price. She was very happy. So was I!

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    I was selling an older mint condition Lund Pro V tiller once. A guy from Wisconsin called and wanted to buy it on the spot. I told him he could have it and jokingly said bring cash and lots of it…It was a ~150 mile drive and he kept texting me pictures of his cash (full price) every 50 miles so I wouldn’t sell it before he got to my place even after I told him I wouldn’t. He sure wanted that rig and was all smiles when he bought it.

    Posts: 918

    I’m trying to sell my truck right now and almost 100% of the inquires have been fake. The funny thing about this one was they actually had a little picture of a guy with a hard hat on. Where the heck do all these scammers come from?

    “Hello, thx for getting back to me, i’m Mike, i’m an oil and gas rotary drill operator and currently offshore…so i won’t be able to come for the inspection due to the nature of my work.i’d appreciate if you email me with more closeup pics for a better look since i won’t be be able to see this in person, but i have a mover who is gonna come to your location only after payment has been made and cleared, so i’ve chosen to have this done via paypal as it’s the easiest and safest way to pay online, i have a few questions for you below and i want you to be honest with me

    where are you currently located?
    what’s its present condition?
    hope no issues?
    are you the first owner?
    why are you selling it?
    since when have you been using it?
    what’s your firm price?
    you got a paypal acct?

    do get back to me asap. thx.”

    Posts: 83

    I’ve had fun in the past playing games with the scammers and leading them on just to see what would happen.

    But this is one of the funnier things I’ve found while snooping on CL…

    1. D302029A-D774-42E4-850D-755581ECC5C7.png

    Posts: 118

    Also tried selling an old truck and the first five responses were all similar to: “I agree to your price and would like to pay with Paypay. Have you heard of Paypal, it’s fast, easy and convenient?”

    The real responses I get are almost as bad for a truck I am just trying to get rid of.

    KBB: $5,200
    Selling price: $4K

    Them: “What’s your bottom dollar?”
    Me “Show up with $3,000 cash and you can drive it home”
    Them: :crickets:

    Some people must just lowball all day and then re-sell. It’s like hitting on 99 girls at the bar and hoping #100 takes you home?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Anytime you see a “To the Guy” post on CL, read it. It’s going to be funny.

    I swear this one is true and I texted it to some members on this forum. Here was the ad. I’m sorry I don’t have screenshots, I wasn’t quick enough.

    To the Guy with the 6.6 HP Mercury for sale.

    It’s a 9.9 HP. You’re reading it upside down, dumb@ss.

    Inserted below the text were pictures of the outboard standing upside down and then a picture in the proper orientation. It was, indeed, a 9.9 Merc.

    I head that Craigslist now automatically deletes any “to the guy” posts, which is a shame as they were always funny.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    ^ I have done the same thing many times. I have so much fun with it.

    reads landing MN
    Posts: 517

    I’m trying to sell my truck right now and almost 100% of the inquires have been fake. The funny thing about this one was they actually had a little picture of a guy with a hard hat on. Where the heck do all these scammers come from?

    “Hello, thx for getting back to me, i’m Mike, i’m an oil and gas rotary drill operator and currently offshore…so i won’t be able to come for the inspection due to the nature of my work.i’d appreciate if you email me with more closeup pics for a better look since i won’t be be able to see this in person, but i have a mover who is gonna come to your location only after payment has been made and cleared, so i’ve chosen to have this done via paypal as it’s the easiest and safest way to pay online, i have a few questions for you below and i want you to be honest with me

    where are you currently located?
    what’s its present condition?
    hope no issues?
    are you the first owner?
    why are you selling it?
    since when have you been using it?
    what’s your firm price?
    you got a paypal acct?

    do get back to me asap. thx.”

    Was the picture super phony? To me his response seems legit, I use paypal alot and have never had an issue

    Greg Krull
    South Metro / Pool 4
    Posts: 300

    I listed an old suitcase style fish house when I got my new pop up. Listed as free and hopefully to someone who gets a kid into icefishing. I hit submit and sat down to lunch. Upon returning to my email after 10ish minutes, I had approximately 30 replies. So I do the right thing and contact the first reply.

    A gentleman in an aged Oldsmobile shows up at my house and asks to have me set it up for him. So I reluctantly do and he walks around it for a bit commenting that the hinges were rusted and that there was a small mouse hole in the fabric. I reiterate FREE! It’s all in the photos and description. He proceeds to act as if he would like to bargin. My response was “I’m not throwing in a auger, do you want it or not?” He acts as if he is giving in and would like help loading it in the trunk.

    Upon opening his trunk, I see two bowling ball bags and to make small talk, I say “You must be a pretty good bowler to have two bowling bags.” His response was so fitting… “Do you know you can fit a 12 pack of long neck bottles in a bowling bag? I bring my ball in one and a 12 pack in the other and then just order one from the waitress when I get there and then drink out of my bag for the rest of the night!”

    Sheesh. toast


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    Funny to me, and very much not to the would be buyer. Sold off a sales samples generator for exactly what I had in it. Post was honest that it was new in box sale sample that had been shown to a few buyers, never started, and no longer needed. Price was NOT NEGOTIABLE, as it was already discounted and I was just recovering my cost.

    Guy calls and sets a time – NO SHOW
    Guy calls a day later, apologizes, and sets another time to come by – NO SHOW
    Texts me about 11pm that night that he wants it and was called into work – offers to paypal me. – Sends me an email at midnight of a screen shot of a “failed paypal transaction” – I know my paypal account works, so I’m done with this guy.

    about 6:50am, I walk out to get in my truck to go to a jobsite, and he’s parked in my driveway. Right away he apologizes for the paypal problem and has cash – Offers me $250. on a $435. non-negotiable price??? I respond with Nope, since we’re are now negotiating, its $450.00″
    He asks WHAT? – I respond with “Now its $475.00”
    He asks $300?? – I respond with Now its $500
    He starts laughing – and I tell him I don’t have time to dick around, $600 or leave
    Now he has a pissed off look on his face standing in my driveway. I asked deal or no deal? and he just stands there with the most dumbfounded look. I put the generator in the back of my truck, locked the garage, got in my truck and left. Sent him a text at 1am – Sorry, Generator is SOLD

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Your time is worth something Randy. )

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Brian Klawitter wrote:</div>
    Your time is worth something Randy. )

    Haha, $25.00 a minute! Are you hiring?

    You failed to include the couple hours I sat around here waiting on a no-show when I could have been working on something else

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    I’ve had generally good experiences but that’s been almost all small item/value stuff. I had a fair amount of spammers when I sold two boats though, best method I found for the responses that mite be real or mite be fake is to send a very generic reply and the fake ones typically either wouldn’t respond or would reply back the exact same message as they first sent.

    Two things that stick out the most to me from those two boats, one related to a lowballer and the other just a funny twist. I had a small 14′ semi v boat and 15 hp outboard to sell. Guy messages me claiming I’m asking way to much(I was actually lower than I felt it should be because we were moving and it had to go but didn’t advertise that fact) and offers me half or so of my price and claims that’s generous. I ended up selling the boat separate from the outboard(for more than lowballer offered) and actually ended up making more than my original price after selling the outboard to another guy later on. Really wanted to contact that original lowballing guy again and shove it in his face (he was pretty arrogant about how little my boat was worth).

    Other memory that sticks out was i sold my other boat to a guy who paid in cash. He said his bank was low on 100 bills as it was primarily 20 bills. So hear I am a couple hours later with 4 grand in mostly 20’s getting ready to go to the bank and on the radio they announce a robbery just happened at a bank in town (not mine). I decided that right then may not be the best time to show up with a wad of cash so waited it out till they caught the guy an hour or so later. Probably wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows but was just ironic timing.

    Had a kind of neat thing happen buying on Craigslist with fishing related stuff too. I bought my current boat locally on CL back in 2013. Fast forward 3 years and I meet a guy to look at some props he was selling and as we discuss my boat we discover he knew my exact boat as he used to work with the guy I bought it from. Not totally uncommon since La Crosse isn’t that big but still what are the odds.

    Chris Hesselberg
    Holmen Wi
    Posts: 18

    Proud moment for pug taking advantage of a young girl

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    “she was very happy”… yep, taken advantage of. sheesh.

    Chris Hesselberg
    Holmen Wi
    Posts: 18

    “We have pets, so the stuff wasn’t pristine.” Sounds lovely nothing beats rotten dog smell while sitting on couch watching tv

    Posts: 5139

    “We have pets, so the stuff wasn’t pristine.” Sounds lovely nothing beats rotten dog smell while sitting on couch watching tv

    Reaching a bit don’t ‘cha think?

    If you have s problem with Pug take it private, this is nothing that needs to be aired in what is supposed to be a fun thread. But as far as I can see he did nothing wrong, if anything hopefully he taught her a good life lesson that her father couldn’t.

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