Less then 24hrs left

  • mr-special
    Posts: 696

    Shootem big, shoot straight
    Good luck and be safe everyone

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Good luck fellas.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1420

    1 more hour and I’m off work!!! Headed North to Isle!! Shoot Straight, Be Safe, and Good Luck everyone!!!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    3 hours to go here! Crush em!

    Posts: 696

    i still got 4hrs left and lets say im kinda not really concentrated on wrk lol

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    happy hunting to everyone. The forecast is something else. Be safe!

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    I have to wait 8 days til I can hit the stand, well, I would have hit the stand, if it hadn’t gotten stolen that is flame

    Went out yesterday to set my son’s ground blind up and put the pads on my 2 person stand (he just turned 14 so he can hunt by himself for the first time this fall) and lo and behold no stand. Sometime between the last time we were out there (late September) and now, someone took it and every last strap.

    My bad I guess, it was on public, and I didnt have it locked to the tree. Now I’m just hoping that the ground blind is still there when I get back from outta town next Saturday night. Its on the other side of a 2 track and a couple hundred yards away so hopefully its still there when I take my son out next Sunday morning in the dark. The hardest thing was telling my son what happened when he asked how it went getting the stands ready. He could tell I was bummed. Its not even the money part, it was a cheaper one my wife had got me as a gift when my son started hunting with me when he was 10, its easily replaceable (I’ll probably pick up one after season is over and not even tell my wife about it, I’d probably get the “why wasnt it locked?” line LOL). But, its disappointing all the same.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend, I’ll be looking for those pics on here to get me thru til next weekend smile

    Posts: 696

    sorry to hear
    when ya get out good luck

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404

    Yes it should have been locked but just because it wasn’t didn’t give some piece of crap the right to steal it. flame

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