
  • rubberduck
    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Has anyone seen any leeches around the north metro?

    Posts: 1192

    None in West Central and none in my haunts around NE metro. Spottails are gonna be about the same price as the elusive leeches and will catch about 3 times as many fish.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    called blue ribbon and said yesterday they had small and large in stock.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9053

    Not that it’s help, but they’re available further south now at bait shops supplying Pool 4 & 5, along with Western WI

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Gunna call vados 2morrow. Thanks guys

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2244

    Confirmed my local shop in Wright County has everything. Including leeches and shiners! They hinted that supplies are a little tight so no guarantee how long they’ll last.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6754

    Gunna call vados 2morrow. Thanks guys

    They have a large run which is mostly large with some medium mixed in. At least that’s what they had as of yesterday.

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Vados has been selling out of lake run as they get them. Called this am and was there 2 hrs later all out of med/LG lake run. They said they se out in 1 hr.
    Got plenty of sm/med. That’s it
    No rainbows

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    Stopped at blue ribbon bait on way home and bought a 1/2# of leeches had med/large mix. I like big leeches but these look like they will do. On side note the Griz was sitting by the cash register and said he caught 150 fish yesterday including a 27″ walleye on St Croix. Said Croix was on fire. Figures I am heading out of town. Good luck to everyone and be safe this weekend!

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