Leech Lake July 10-17

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6329

    Not expecting much for reports but if anyone has anything recent I’d like to know.

    I’ll be on Leech with my family. Will be a lot of recreation time but should get some fishing each day. Planning to target mid lake rocks mostly based off the last few years. Will give a report after, also feel free to PM me if you happen to be fishing also

    Walleye Hungry
    Posts: 355

    I haven’t fished it since opener so I don’t have much info. Trappers landing does have a weekly update on Youtube though it is biased to the area around their resort.

    Matt L
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 67

    Fishing was surprisingly good over the 4th up there. Fish were super spooky of boats/motors, and were on rocks in 7-14. Randomly….the only thing I could get them to go on was Drop Shot and Leech. I would expect them to be on a similar pattern. Once I figured this out, the bite was good all weekend.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6329

    Nice work Matt. I figured they’d be boat shy, especially without wind. But had never thought of a drop shot. Good video!

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6329

    Yesterday morning was frustrating. Everything was lined up for a good morning, bit of walleye chop and some haze filtering the sun. Pulled up to my spot (typically no one there) and there were about 8 tournament boats hammering on it. Decided to stay anyway as I started marking fish right away. My step Dad had fish on in the first 5 minutes but it came unhooked half way in. We’ll the next two hours I kept marking fish but could not get a bite. I was changing tactics and colors too. Changed my crawler harness and finally I got bit. Good fish and pulling drag. He came unhooked also after a minute or two. Came in empty handed pretty frustrated

    Slept in this morning but then decided to sneak out quick anyway. Went back to my same spot and nobody there. Picked up a 20” and 24.5” in one hour and then had to head back in to family. On crawlers / spinners again

    Might try a slow dead rig to slow it down even more. Marking fish but tough to get them to go. On the board anyway

    1. 76516A33-414B-4987-B17C-16A02850FC38.jpeg

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    North side of walker bay at evening across from the entrance into kabekona.

    Matt L
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 67

    If you are still up there, might try a planer board on the spinners, fish were super spooky and if a ton of boats were driving over them, might be tough. I am guessing I know where you might be, move a little shallower for a pass or 2, you might be surprised. We pulled a few out of 5-8 feet last week.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6329

    Thanks for the input! Went out this morning similar story marking fish but nothing would take the spinners. Changed over to slow death rigs and slowed down the speed picked up a 19.5 inch walleye and a mid 20s pike. Got slow again and decided to put on some Shad raps and I got a 26.5 inch walleye which was fun. That was shallower like you said Matt. Had to head back in so a fairly short trip again. Will keep chipping away at it…

    Nevada, Iowa
    Posts: 15

    How was your trip? How was the bite for you?

    It has been 10 years since our last trip. Mostly stayed on the east side, fished all over the lake. We are heading up the middle of August and am not sure what to expect for fishing. In the past, we would go the middle of July for a family trip and on occasion the wife and I would sneak back for Labor Day weekend.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6329

    Ended pretty similar to the above posts. Picked up one or two here and there but fairly difficult overall. Had some spots with fish stacked on them but could not get any consistent bites. Had a good time on the beaches though.

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