Leech Lake 2021

  • Nick Altavilla
    Posts: 38

    Any new reports with the heat we have had? Headed up this weekend for a guys trip and this will be my first time fishing Leech.

    Thanks for the help!

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Best advice I can give…keep driving until you hit Winnie!

    Overall Reports are slow to horrible but that can easily change if you’re in the right spot. Just be prepared to work hard and move.

    Posts: 703

    I’ve been up on Leech the past two weekends. Drifted around with a jig and a minnow in about 10-15 FOW during the middle of the day. I’ve gotten my limit in approx. 2 hours. Not amazing fishing, but at least catching some fish.

    Wasn’t able to fish during low light hours which typically the bite increases on Leech during these times. Good luck, have fun, and be safe!

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I was fishing out of Pikedale Resort on the southeast side from May 29 – June 3. It was the first time I’ve fished that lake. I very rarely fish lakes. It was slow for us, but for those that know the lake and how to fish it, it seemed like fishing was decent to good. For example, on Memorial day morning we went out and got two walleye. But my buddy and his dad, who has a place on the lake and have fished it for decades, got 11. The guides coming back into Pikedale had fish. A couple of guys in the fish cleaning shack had a nice bunch of fish one evening. When we got there the water temperature was 59-60 and when we left it was about 64. I’m sure it’s considerably warmer now. Over half the walleye we caught were bigger than 20″. We caught a few smallmouth in the evening pitching jigs tipped with leeches to a rocky hump that topped out at about 9 feet. I’ve been told that smallies are very rare in Leech. The biggest smallie was 18″.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Best advice I can give…keep driving until you hit Winnie!

    Overall Reports are slow to horrible but that can easily change if you’re in the right spot. Just be prepared to work hard and move.


    Posts: 1250

    Biggest bit of advice for leech without giving spots is to keep your side imaging running and find schools.

    Goose Island is always good for a few fish. Fish the windy side.

    Pelican is the same way

    Annex reef is always a good fallback if you can’t find fish elsewhere. But it usually has people there.

    Stay mobile and don’t get tied down to a spot too long. Battle point, otter tail point, or stoney point are all still producing some fish deeper. Bring spinners and crawlers and leeches and bobbers and give it a go! Don’t forget about walker bay. Lots of good spots in there also!

    Leech is one of my favorite lakes to fish.

    Nick Altavilla
    Posts: 38

    Against our better judgement, we got out early Saturday morning and hit mid-lake structure…Then the 5ft rollers started coming. We were the only boats out there in our 16.5 ft Lund and 17.5 ft Alumacraft. No glass boats in sight…chickens! We were rewarded with some dandy fish drifting spinners and leeches. They were out and hungry that’s for sure!

    1. Leech-scaled.jpg

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Against our better judgement, we got out early Saturday morning and hit mid-lake structure…Then the 5ft rollers started coming.

    Haha props to you guys, that wind was no joke! We fished a smaller lake due to the wind, and even then were searching out the upwind sides and points lol.

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    I’ve been catching walleye and pike in 10-16 fow on offshore flats. Bottom bouncing crawlers

    Posts: 2816

    I’m a little late, but that’s kick-ass, nick! Congrats!

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