Saturday I had that situation where I had to decide to leave fish to find fish. I was fishing a small pond that is know for HUGE Gils. I got on the pond just as a snow storm started so I was quickly drilling holes and looking for fish so I could set up my flip over and get out of the snow. I marked some fish in an area where I caught fish before that was the deep hole and away from the trees in the other part of the pond. First drop down I catch a nice fish, but then all I could get was fish to follow my lure up and turn around and head down. I kept switching lures/colors etc thinking I could get them to bite, but after an hour I knew I had to do something. Again, fish under me the whole time, but just not getting them to bite. I quickly flip the top off and grab the Marcum to go search. Snow is coming down hard and wind is blowing as I check out some other holes. I finally get to an area at the edge of the trees where I mark fish again. I pull the tub over and set up on this new hole. It was the right move. I proceeded to catch about 25 gils out of that new hole. These are fish that are chasing the jigs up like the other hole, BUT this fish were smacking it. I have to admit, I have a hard time leaving fish under me to go search, but in this case, it paid off.
Rick Janssen
Posts: 340