But its the shield bolt that wrecked the wires. If it would have tasted better the mice would not have had to eat the wire insulation.
I ran that thing for an hour like that (in September) not knowing there was the a perfectly dry mouse tinder ball sitting directly on the bare coil wire
It was running like crap (arcing/grounding out and had to have been sparking in the nest)
Critters around my house are huffers. They love to chew into small engine gas caps. So far they’ve been too high to discover wire extruded in peanut oil.
We have x30 Plunkett’s boxes that we eventually bought off the guy that serviced us forever. They’re numbered, labeled with their intended location, and rebaited every other month. Knock on wood…haven’t had a mouse in our home nor had a wire on any piece of equipment chewed in years, and that’s covering a couple barns + 4 sheds, a shop, and 2 garages.
So from now on rather than everyone saying to run seafoam in it or to use non-oxy premium or any other worthless advice…
We can just go with, check your plug wire.