Law Concerning Ice Fishing Houses in Minnesota

  • al-wichman
    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    But I do own a Remmington 1100 I enjoy using for bird hunting and Browning A.R. I use for deer hunting that would be affected by this.

    First if you need 20 rounds for deer or a gas powered shotgun for waterfowl, well you may want to consider a new sport. I use a bolt action 30.06 and never had an issue. Second if you need to be able to flood the air with bird shot that seems excessive. Sure it’s your right, but if we’re simply going to use the rights argument then what about the some of the other ones? Why does it always go to guns? What about our President talking about jailing reporters who speak against him? That’s our freedom of press. Should we all jump on a message board for ice fishing and piggyback it to every topic we can shoehorn it in. What about his desire to remove birthright citizenship? That’s a right that he has actively spoke about taking? Why is it always guns? The one thing that nobody’s has ever said they would take. If you want to speak about rights that are being threatened use ones that are ACTUALLY being threatened.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    glenn57 wrote:

    that I’d absolutely NOT a ridiculous question. Chances are those same people that deny access would be the first ones screaming if they needed assistance and they weren’t there to help.

    It’s their job to be there to help if required or asked but it’s NOT their job to deny our rights and shred our constitution protection in the process.

    it’s also in there job description to arrest and ticket game law violations.

    Posts: 6259

    But I do own a Remmington 1100 I enjoy using for bird hunting and Browning A.R. I use for deer hunting that would be affected by this.

    First if you need 20 rounds for deer or a gas powered shotgun for waterfowl, well you may want to consider a new sport. I use a bolt action 30.06 and never had an issue. Second if you need to be able to flood the air with bird shot that seems excessive. Sure it’s your right, but if we’re simply going to use the rights argument then what about the some of the other ones? Why does it always go to guns? What about our President talking about jailing reporters who speak against him? That’s our freedom of press. Should we all jump on a message board for ice fishing and piggyback it to every topic we can shoehorn it in. What about his desire to remove birthright citizenship? That’s a right that he has actively spoke about taking? Why is it always guns? The one thing that nobody’s has ever said they would take. If you want to speak about rights that are being threatened use ones that are ACTUALLY being threatened.

    Here ya go big dog. The actual law. Please note
    the second paragraph to define a semi auto. I know your right and I’m wrong but read it anyways….furthermore how I choose to hunt or the types of weapons I choose to use is SO FAR still my choice regardless of how you feel about it. Also I stated that my comments were based on RIGHTS not the specific issue. But hey have at it…good luck to you

    I-1639 raises the legal age to buy any semi-automatic rifle to 21, from 18. People wanting one also have to pass an enhanced background check, show proof that they have taken a firearms-training course, and wait 10 business days before they take possession of the weapon.

    The initiative defines a semi-automatic rifle as one that uses energy from firing a cartridge to chamber the next round and requires “a separate pull of the trigger” to fire each bullet. Long guns that use manual operations — such as pumps, slides, levers or bolts — to chamber a round would still be available for people to purchase at age 18. (You currently have to be 21 to buy a handgun in Washington.)

    The initiative allows the state to require firearms dealers to charge up to $25 to purchasers of a semi-automatic rifle to offset the costs of complying with the regulations. That fee could go up over time.

    And the initiative directs the state to begin developing a process to check at least annually to make sure owners of handguns and semi-automatic rifles are still legally eligible to possess them.

    Q: What about the “safe storage” provision?

    A: That’s the other big part of I-1639. The initiative creates gross-misdemeanor and felony classes of a new crime, “community endangerment.”

    It doesn’t mandate that firearms owners lock their guns away. But owners could be charged under those community-endangerment crimes if someone not allowed to access a firearm — such as a child or a felon — gets ahold of it and displays it publicly, causes it to discharge or uses it in a crime.

    Owners who keep a gun secured in a safe or lock box, or with a trigger lock or similar device, would not be subject to charges if the firearm is somehow accessed by someone who shouldn’t have it. The community-endangerment charges also don’t apply if a prohibited person obtains a gun due to unlawful entry, as long as the gun owner reports the incident within five days of the time he or she knew or should have known it occurred.

    At least 16 states have some kind of criminal liability for a gun owner if a firearm is improperly stored and a child uses or carries it. Eleven states have laws that either encourage or require trigger-lock or secure storage devices for guns.

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    Q. When does the law go into effect?

    A. The initiative says the provision that raises the minimum age to legally purchase a semi-automatic rifles to 21 will take effect Jan. 1. The rest of the provisions go into effect July 1.

    Q. Who was behind this initiative?

    A. This was the third in a series of ballot measures brought by the Alliance for Gun Responsibility in recent years in response to the mass shootings that have occurred nationwide, as well as other, less publicized firearms-related deaths and injuries.

    I-1639’s citizen sponsor was Paul Kramer, the father of a teenager injured in a 2016 Mukilteo house-party shooting that left three others dead. The shooter in that instance was a 19-year-old who bought an AR-15 rifle about a week before the attack.

    The “yes” campaign raised nearly $5.5 million, with much of that coming from a handful of big-dollar donors, like venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Paul Allen, who died last month.

    Supporters of the initiative included two of King County’s top law-enforcement officials, Prosecutor Dan Satterberg and Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht, as well as state Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

    Q. Who were the opponents?

    A. The largest opposition groups were the National Rifle Association and a pair of Bellevue-based gun-rights organizations, the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Those groups raised roughly $610,000 in cash and in-kind donations to fight the measure, campaign-finance records show.

    Several Washington law-enforcement groups or their members also opposed the initiative.

    Q: What were the opponents’ arguments?

    A: Gun-rights supporters called I-1639 poorly written and likely ineffective. They also argued it would criminalize self defense by allowing charges against a gun owner whose firearm unintentionally falls into the wrong hands.

    Others say the initiative unfairly lumps some guns into its restrictions, such as types of .22-caliber hunting rifles that are not comparable to the AR-15 assault-style weapons that draw attention in mass shootings.

    Some law-enforcement groups contended I-1639 could be unconstitutional and does nothing to address gun violence related to mental health or substance abuse. Others objected that the initiative doesn’t exempt police officers from its provisions.

    Some members of the Washington state Fraternal Order of Police said the initiative would stigmatize the semi-automatic rifles used by officers, since the initiative language refers to them as “assault” rifles, said Lynnette Buffington, executive director of the group.

    Gun-rights supporters also contended the initiative’s petition sheets were unlawfully formatted, because they did not show exactly how the measure would change existing state law.

    A Thurston County judge agreed with that argument and blocked the initiative — but the Washington state Supreme Court later weighed in and put I-1639 back on the ballot.

    Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said Tuesday night, after the initiative passed, that it would be challenged in court. Gottlieb declined to explain the grounds for any challenge.

    Joseph O’Sullivan: 360-236-8268 or [email protected]. Twitter: @OlympiaJoe. Seattle Times staff reporter Joseph O’Sullivan covers state government and the Legislature.
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    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    What was your motive to post that?

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Anyways, I like when they stop by , I like the fact their out there and I let them know it.
    To each their own and I respect that.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    So you copy and pasted something from the state of Washington not Minnesota. Cool. You didn’t answer my question about other actual rights that are being threatened. As far as I’m concerned this has nothing to do with the original post.
    So I’m officially out of this conversation. There is no point in arguing if your going to keep moving the goalposts. First it was your fish house, then it was your boat, then it was your guns. Now we are bringing Washington State into this.
    I don’t come here to get into Constitutional debate. Anyways I’ll be on Red the first week of December and Winnie the 13th – 20th of January and LOW the third week of February. If you see a black Dodge Ram 3500 and a Firebrand Fish house stop by and have a drink or warm up. I always enjoy meeting fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

    Good luck and tight lines to all this season!!!

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    And if I want to be buzzed up or blacked out wasted isn’t that my right. They can’t do much about it.

    Yep…been there done that, and then you wonder why you don’t catch any fish? blush

    1. grumpy-old-men.jpg

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    And if I want to be buzzed up or blacked out wasted isn’t that my right. They can’t do much about it.

    Yep…been there done that, and then you wonder why you don’t catch any fish? blush

    Oh man that picture is hilarious, love that movie

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    I can only hope to get to that point in life. Also one of the greatest movies ever made. It really captured ice fishing culture. I remember going out to shanty towns like that as a kid. We all knew each other and would help out whenever it was needed.

    I remember when my dad got a power auger. I’d sit in the shack alone while he went and drilled people who didn’t have one.

    Ru Ko
    Posts: 8

    Tom said
    “Drunks, drugs and phones….take them all off the roadways. And make it hurt big time from the get go.”

    Totally agree. As long as I don’t have to give up my freedom to travel as a law abiding citizen and not be harassed by unconstitutional government warrant-less intrusion I’m fine with what you suggest.

    It’s really is our duty to exercise the rights we have left because if we don’t we will surely lose them. Don’t you agree it would not be good thing to provide the police with the power to stop you, at a whim, and say “Papers Please.” Maybe you do agree with that. I would hope not.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Anyways, I like when they stop by , I like the fact their out there and I let them know it.
    To each their own and I respect that.

    Did we just agree on something? See, read enough posts and we all find some common ground! toast

    But seriously. I didn’t even bother reading 75% of the replies. I have no issue letting them into my house for a check, they have a job to do. Never have I had them bust in or even open the door themselves, but I guess I could see the frustration there for the simple fact of the sudden surprise. Let em’ come in and chat in the warmth. Ice fishing is a social event for me and just because they have a badge, doesn’t exclude them from small talk. They may even give you some pointers or hot bait suggestions from earlier checks. The less stress, the less unnecessary headache you’ll bring upon yourself. Do I think they should be allowed to barge in for no reason? No, but that doesn’t mean I would be upset if they could.

    Ru Ko
    Posts: 8

    1hl&sinker wrote:
    Do I think they should be allowed to barge in for no reason? No, but that doesn’t mean I would be upset if they could.

    So you would not be upset if the police could barge into your house and you asked why they are doing this and they reply: “Well As you must have heard by now sir the 4th amendment to the constitution has been eliminated and we now have the right to search any dwelling, person, place or thing if and when we want to. Just a routine check sir and we’ll be outa here shortly after we search for anything illegal you might be doing. If you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t care, right?

    This is what you would not be upset with? Your Papers Please!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    1hl&sinker wrote:
    Do I think they should be allowed to barge in for no reason? No, but that doesn’t mean I would be upset if they could.

    So you would not be upset if the police could barge into your house and you asked why they are doing this and they reply: “Well As you must have heard by now sir the 4th amendment to the constitution has been eliminated and we now have the right to search any dwelling, person, place or thing if and when we want to. Just a routine check sir and we’ll be outa here shortly after we search for anything illegal you might be doing. If you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t care, right?

    This is what you would not be upset with? Your Papers Please!

    wowzer that’s deep and far fetched!

    Ru Ko
    Posts: 8

    1hl&sinker wrote

    Never happen here right? The framers of the constitution fortunately for us and you, knew better. I don’t think you’ll ever get the true concept of laws and constitution and the relationship of the two. Hook, line and sinker. Wowzer

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    1hl&sinker wrote:
    Do I think they should be allowed to barge in for no reason? No, but that doesn’t mean I would be upset if they could.

    So you would not be upset if the police could barge into your house and you asked why they are doing this and they reply: “Well As you must have heard by now sir the 4th amendment to the constitution has been eliminated and we now have the right to search any dwelling, person, place or thing if and when we want to. Just a routine check sir and we’ll be outa here shortly after we search for anything illegal you might be doing. If you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t care, right?

    This is what you would not be upset with? Your Papers Please!

    What does a CO being welcomed into a fish house by a poster here have to do with police forcibly entering a property? They are completely different scenarios by completely different people with different circumstances (permission vs. no permission)

    Do you ever invite friends or neighbors into your garage to chat or visit. If so, you must then be ok with them barging into your property at anytime without your permission and doing whatever they wish.(according to your logic…or lack thereof)

    Thankfully our founding fathers did not put any IQ requirements on our basic rights, as we’d have a lot of posters without any liberties whatsoever. Hopefully a moderator formally puts this deadhorse of a thread down before any additional valuable brain cells are compromised.

    …and now to suppress the next abrupt, uneducated movement of the uprights in typical forum argument etiquette:

    When they hopefully end this thread it is not a violation of anyone’s constitutional rights. You should have paid better attention in one of your few times through 6th grade Social Studies.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Boy, I don’t remember posting a lot of this stuff. Must have been one of those doppelganger intrusions again

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    So you would not be upset if the police could barge into your house and you asked why they are doing this and they reply: “Well As you must have heard by now sir the 4th amendment to the constitution has been eliminated and we now have the right to search any dwelling, person, place or thing if and when we want to. Just a routine check sir and we’ll be outa here shortly after we search for anything illegal you might be doing. If you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t care, right?

    Wow, sounds to be a bit of a stretch, eh? We’re talking about ice houses here…back to your regularly scheduled thread…

    Ru Ko
    Posts: 8


    Your naivety is only exceeded by your apparent ignorance.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757


    Your naivety is only exceeded by your apparent ignorance.

    Ru ko let me just ask what were you hoping for when you started this thread? I proposed that you were just a dude innocently looking for an answer to a simple question but it seems clear now that you were just looking for a fight

    Posts: 756

    Frankly, I know one warden that is actually kind of happy that they have to knock before entering ice shacks. He’s seen a few too many bare asses; mine included, as he walked in on me & my date new years eve 2001. We didn’t even put any lines down that night. woot

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    Duplicate Post

    1. C2D80DA3-32C8-4F93-980C-6D1BE36D2FBF.jpeg

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977


    Your naivety is only exceeded by your apparent ignorance.

    Did you even read what you wrote/typed? I’ll leave you with my final thought and wish you the best of luck this ice season.

    1. C2D80DA3-32C8-4F93-980C-6D1BE36D2FBF-1.jpeg

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Frankly, I know one warden that is actually kind of happy that they have to knock before entering ice shacks. He’s seen a few too many bare asses; mine included, as he walked in on me & my date new years eve 2001. We didn’t even put any lines down that night. woot
    Sounds like you had one rod out yay

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