Launching a boat in flood stage water on the Mississippi

  • Smellson
    Posts: 332

    My biggest issue is fishing RISING water. I don’t necessarily mind high water depending on the flow rate, but when the water is rising it is continuously picking up more and more debris making it more likely that I’ll hit something.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    For those who say high and dirty water means bad fishing, I strongly disagree.

    If a ramp was open, I would be on the water this weekend.

    Posts: 6687

    Now, while caution should always be used while boating, does anyone change their mind if the river is forecasted to be in minor flood stage compared to major flood stage?

    Don’t answer this…. It’s a trick.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    My biggest issue is fishing RISING water. I don’t necessarily mind high water depending on the flow rate, but when the water is rising it is continuously picking up more and more debris making it more likely that I’ll hit something.


    I have fished my share of high water on P4 over the years, but when it is rising rapidly what you saw, thought you saw, or missed minutes earlier is now miles downstream with 10x the amount of debris to take its place. I would argue fishing the highest true crest is sometimes safer than the rapid uprising conditions we have right now.

    Yesterday after work I parked my vehicle in a dry spot probably 15 yards from water on a slightly sloped gravel driveway. We were there for about 40 minutes planning some sandbagging and pump layouts to keep an area dry. When I walked back to the old buildings truck, my front tires were just getting touched by water. We figured that took at least a 6″ rise if not more. This was probably a mile from the river channel in a backwater area…some place that I had never seen true current in since 2001.

    I’ve been around and on the river my whole life. Nobody has any business being out there right now. Those who choose to go out should not expect an effort to help or safe them.

    Posts: 6687

    aunching from a flooded parking lot, not another boat insight for miles and as I got out into the current the motor died and I was going downstream fast. No kicker.

    I’ve towed a few unprepared individuals from situations exactly like this. I carry a special harness just for high water towing and don’t accept gratuity. High water towing sucks.

    I have a motor from 1987… And a kicker from 2016. Guess which one I bought for safety and safety only.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    FBRM, all fine and dandy that you love to tool around bird watching in dangerously high water. Yes, you might not think its dangerous. Just hope you don’t plan on calling rescue personnel if it ever comes to that. They might not enjoy tooling around in dangerous conditions to bird watch like you do. Its one thing to put yourself in danger, its a completely different beast when you are potentially putting others in danger. Doesn’t matter how prepared you are, things can go south really quick (ever watch deadliest catch?). Yes, some rivers down south might have faster current than what the Miss has right now. The difference is the amount of debris in the water.

    Posts: 56

    I find it curious that so many people get so worked up about another posters response. FBR’s “Minnesota Wimps” comment I’m sure was not an attack on anyone in particular. The value of this site is that when a question is raised, people can give their opinion to the question and leave it to the original poster who asked the question to decide for themselves what is of value or not. We all make our own decisions and have our own opinions and we should be respectful of that fact.

    To each their own I guess….If FBR wants to be on the river during these high / fast water times I wish him well and to be safe. If you don’t (me included), that’s fine also. The original poster asked a question and has received a lot of opinions to make their own decisions.

    Whatever someone decides, I wish you to be safe and good luck when fishing.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I was proud when I posted MN Wimps, just to let you know Andy. LOL!

    The problem with a web site posting is that we don’t know another person’s experience. If everyone had the experience that Andy does (that’s not to puff up Andy’s head), there wouldn’t be a problem talking about boating in this type of water.

    But we have young adults on here that haven’t seen this type of water before. She takes no prisoners.

    To the OP, you might want to let us know what Pool you’re talking about. Each pool has a different elevation and forecast. Maybe I missed it?

    PS Andy, if you show up in the news as rescued or worse, I’m going to kick your butt. ;)

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Which pool means everything.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    The problem with a web site posting is that we don’t know another person’s experience. If everyone had the experience that Andy does (that’s not to puff up Andy’s head), there wouldn’t be a problem talking about boating in this type of water.

    But we have young adults on here that haven’t seen this type of water before. She takes no prisoners.


    Yes the decision is up to each individual sure but not every individual has the same skills, equipment and experience. I always make the same point whenever someone posts a question asking if it’s ok to sleep in your pop up with a portable propane heater going. Can you? Yeah, but it would be irresponsible to advocate for it without also letting a person without knowledge on the matter know the risks. I certainly wouldn’t call someone a wimp for deciding against it.

    Posts: 49

    Im talking pools 8 and 9. I see Redwing is up in “major”flood stage but these southern pools arent forecasted to be in “major” flood stage (whatever that means). The difference in these stages varies only 1 or 2 feet on some pools. Either way, a flood is a flood and considering all the input I have recieved I will make the right choice. I appreciate everyones insight.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Im talking pools 8 and 9. I see Redwing is up in “major”flood stage but these southern pools arent forecasted to be in “major” flood stage (whatever that means). The difference in these stages varies only 1 or 2 feet on some pools. Either way, a flood is a flood and considering all the input I have recieved I will make the right choice. I appreciate everyones insight.

    Good luck! Have fun and be safe whichever way you choose

    Posts: 1291

    Your best bet would be to launch in La Crosse,and fish the Black river part,not so much floating crap.Or at Dresbach,and fish down from there.Most of those landings are still fairly usable in high water.

    Not that familiar with the landings south of Genoa,but the ones that I have seen go under water with lower flood stages ,like Blackhawk island.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Whaaaaat’s the matterrrr? Lil’ tense about the water??

    Statistically you’re more likely to get killed on the way to the river……

    Posts: 4

    Had to leave everts this morning water was still coming up and the fishing was slow the last few days

    1. 20190327_075233.jpg

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Depending on what kind of mood the FW is in, it can be pretty dangerous at home also.

    Live life at your own risk.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Depending on what kind of mood the FW is in, it can be pretty dangerous at home also.

    Live life at your own risk.


    Posts: 6687

    Ya know, common sense is, your culture. Not the regions, or all the town folk. It is just you and what you consider common knowledge.

    I turn on my truck on a cold winter day and my dash says “it may be slippery” or something to that effect. Always makes me laugh and I think how dumb. But to me, watching for ice is common sense.

    I consider what some of you have said, and more than once prior..

    Yes the decision is up to each individual sure but not every individual has the same skills, equipment and experience. I always make the same point whenever someone posts a question asking if it’s ok to sleep in your pop up with a portable propane heater going. Can you? Yeah, but it would be irresponsible to advocate for it without also letting a person without knowledge on the matter know the risks.

    The problem with a web site posting is that we don’t know another person’s experience.

    Then I think about that slippery road message on my dash… And I think about culture and common sense and how they tie together.

    And I sum it up with, people travel to a cold area and don’t know to think about ice. Really. There’s some. (Lol MY common sense wants to say there shouldn’t be, but there must be!) Then again the message might be for me and you.
    We’ve all been surprised more than once in our careers of driving in the winter by black ice or otherwise slippery roads. Couple hundred incidents per day when it is actually slippery regionally. (Metro!)
    Accidents happen by people who have a different culture or common sense, their experiencing something new whether it be a hot cup of coffee or ice on the roads on a sunny day. Accidents happen to us who push those odds. Hey, they just happen. We’re human.

    Now, like the slippery dash board message comes boat accesses and the such.

    A sign that says “launch at your own risk”

    What does that mean to you and your common sense? It’s like a big orange caution flag right? How do you respond? Do you know why that was put there? Is there a rock or drop off? Is it polluted? I won’t guess your thoughts.

    There’s a landing in my eyesight right now. I’m On my deck. Old Milwaukee in hand. Writing to who know who. There’s also a sign at that landing, and I know exactly why. I talked to the divers, and I know my humminbirds… Goofballs left a big rock pile at end of dock on low water times.

    Anyway I digress.

    People will do what they hear or see and experience new things and have fun, get hurt, experience joy, heartache, whatever. That’s life boys and girls. They’re more prone to get into accidents closer to home. Oh, think about that.

    I appreciate Brian’s comments as a friend.

    If everyone had the experience that Andy does (that’s not to puff up Andy’s head), there wouldn’t be a problem talking about boating in this type of water.

    Hey, you guys don’t know my experience and neither will the folks he is concerned about. Which is anyone on the www.

    So he follows with

    But we have young adults on here that haven’t seen this type of water before. She takes no prisoners.

    To the OP, you might want to let us know what Pool you’re talking about. Each pool has a different elevation and forecast. Maybe I missed it?

    PS Andy, if you show up in the news as rescued or worse, I’m going to kick your butt. ;)

    Concern. And reason.
    Life/death possibility.
    Things vary between pools.

    He said it all without being a dock about it. Thanks Brian.

    That message respects (me in this case) and warms severely anyone else and every one else.

    My common sense was this was about p4. Like, often it is.
    Ido is growing.
    Picking up many new folks from all over who are new to forums and ‘common sense forum etticute. Like what pool? That would’ve been a different thread eh!

    I’ll consider never giving a river report again since it is so hard to consider what is dangerous to another person I don’t know. I just know they’re asking and I’m hoping they use their best judgement. And I’ll respect them for their decision despite the consequences.

    Consider Brian’s approach IDO and I’ll greatly consider how I can ease it into my potentially dangerous comments. Like I’ll bet some here have smashed me for sleeping in a hub house, and I’ll tell ya you can die wide awake under the right conditions. No sleep plans are necessary.

    I will not drive through the cities unless I absolutely have to. To me. It is suicide driving conditions and unacceptable risks. I think people are too comfortable knowing an ambulance is close.

    Boating in a river is dangerous, always. Proceed with caution.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Had to leave everts this morning water was still coming up and the fishing was slow the last few days

    That’s the highest I have seen it at Everts. We were there in June 2014 and the river hit 14′ the day we left. We were fishing off the retaining wall, and catching nice channel cats. Its supposed to go up 2 more feet, which is pretty insane.

    Posts: 6687

    Its one thing to put yourself in danger, its a completely different beast when you are potentially putting others in danger. Doesn’t matter how prepared you are, things can go south really quick


    In anything we do, at any location! There are great people who put themselves in harms way to help, urgently.

    If it upsets you that I take this risk. Know it is my right.

    Good chance you are someone who can, has, or knows what it takes to put yourself in harms way for others given the consequences. I would do that for you too.

    Last week I watched a documentary movie about a guy who climbed El Capitan with no gear. Overall I enjoyed it. They spent less than 60 seconds showing the absolute meticulous notes of every single foot and hand hold down to knuckle rotation on or between each that he gathered, memorised, improved upon continuously over a 6 year span with safety gear all to MAYBE do a 3 hour climb that he-the best in the world-wouldn’t do until he was ready. And 90 minutes about… You might die. I thought he was f’n crazy until I saw the notes… But since I have nil experience I figure he’s only half crazy. )

    To each their own.
    Everybody drive safe tonight.

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    I agree with Andy high water is not for all! if your afraid of losing your boat or your life don’t risk it stay home turn on you tube and watch someone else catch fish! I myself like Andy trust my judgement and skill level from all my boating experiences, trials and errors to be safe boating and fishing in these high flow conditions! PFD is a must remember every time you leave your house you could be at risk of something! Why stress! just plan ahead and good fishing! And to you FBRM happy bird watching LMAO!!! JK

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 436

    In many areas the river may be closed at some point because a boat wake can cause damage to property not normally in or under water. More risk than reward right now. Go to a lake somewhere or wait it out.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    Im with fish blood i love high and fast water on the river. Its a calculated risk that always leads you on an adventure to remember. Life is short so do what you love.
    The best part about high water is it scares all the walleye guys and gals away.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Well that escalated quickly! Everyone these days gets offended way too easily. If a guy wants to bird watch out of his boat, let him be. You sure as heck ain’t going to fill up your live well fishing current like this….we all know most of the fish are still in the lake hiding out of the current under all the ice.

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    Eyeguy you are just trying to keep everyone off your hot spots!

    1. Screenshot_20190327-220204_Messenger.jpg

    Posts: 6687

    Just got done chewing on Prescott City for closing Prescott access. First time they’ve ever closed it.
    It’ll reopen “when the water goes down”.


    Andy… Livid.

    1. CameraZOOM-20190328160400312.jpg

    Posts: 51


    Just got done chewing on Prescott City for closing Prescott access. First time they’ve ever closed it.
    It’ll reopen “when the water goes down”.


    Andy… Livid.

    I bet the city workers had a good laugh after hanging up the phone. They probably didn’t want to put the lives of first responders in danger to rescue bird watchers.

    Posts: 959

    Sometimes people need to be protected from their own dumb ideas …..this is one of those times.

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