Hello. I’m an avid muskie troller in the fall on Sabaskong Bay, LOTW. I read an article in Muskie Insider by Jeremy Logan, on late fall trolling locations. He says “Main break contours that lead into the main basin areas are like highways the musky use to travel from one area to another looking for food. When these highways intersect with steep drop-offs along rock banks, extended underwater points, and shoals, that’s where the musky can corral their prey to pick them off.” So if I get this right, if the main basin is 25 feet deep, there will be a contour line where the bottom starts to rise. Often there is a shelf around an island or along a shoreline, and there will another break line where the rising bottom contacts the outside edge of the shelf. This is often in 10 to 15 feet of water. Is the advice to troll the deep break line where the bottom starts to rise, and then maybe stop and cast big baits at locations where the deep break line runs into a wall or point? I’ve been trolling up on the ledges in 10 to 15 feet of water, sometimes over the break line where it drops down to main basin bottom and sometimes right up on the shelf. I wonder if I’m missing opportunities by not trolling right on the deep main break contour a little further out and with a deeper running bait?

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