Looking for opinions about using a laser sight for bow fishing. Do they work as advertised? What should I look for when purchasing one? According to the suppliers, the laser beam bends in the water so it doesn’t matter if the fish is on the surface or a few feet deep. If the dot is on the fish, you should be able to hit it.
My boy and I went out Wednesday evening and had a lot of chances but only managed to hit two. Often times we’d think we made a good shot judging but the line of bubbles as the arrow entered the water but we’d end up missing.
Maybe we just need to spend some time trying to hit submerged, suspended targets a couple feet under the water. We’ve got our pin adjusted so we hit targets floating on the surface and then try to adjust for submerged fish by aiming a little below them. I’m hoping the laser will eliminate the guessing game of how low to aim.