Landing net opinions

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  • mojogunter
    Posts: 3430

    Earlier this year I lost my extendable Beckman net. It was far and away my favorite net I have owned or used. I bought a POS ego slider net that I liked the extendable handle on in the store. There is nothing I like about it after using it this summer. I do a lot of trolling so I don’t want a net with small holes in the basket that drags too much like the one I have now. I also need a stronger neck like the Beckman had. Anyone here have a net that extends that they really like? I have looked, but I haven’t run across one that looks good.

    Posts: 3430

    Beckman was bought out and shuttered. I read that they were purchased and were going to start up again, but I can’t find anyone out there selling them.

    Basspro gold series has a descent retractable folding net.

    But I must ask, why not go back to the Beckman net if you liked it so much? (Guessing it’s discontinued?)

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    I read this winter that they were coming back and I just saw a Beckmann ad in a magazine I was flipping thru at the dentist last week. But it looks like their website still says “coming soon 2017”

    Posts: 3430

    Thanks to biggill I went ahead and ordered an RS net. Looking forward to being able to get rid of the ego net.

    Posts: 276

    They look pretty hefty from what I’ve seen on TV.
    I heard of area where there is a Beckman just waiting to be found!! jester

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11126

    Sounds like you have a story that needs to be shared. wink

    Posts: 3430

    He is talking about an area on pool 4 where my net decided it wanted to explore the bottom. I hoped someone would have caught it and found it’s way back to me but no such luck. We tried to snag it but it was in high current at the time and we weren’t able to retrieve it.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I’m glad I could help you spend some money. grin

    Which one did you get? Please let us know how you like it when you get it.

    Posts: 3430

    Kelly’s Island Fish Landing Net × 1
    Telescoping • 50”-96” / Octagon • Leader Scoop / 2 inch

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Kelly’s Island Fish Landing Net × 1
    Telescoping • 50”-96” / Octagon • Leader Scoop / 2 inch

    I spent the last hour looking at these trying to decide which one I want. That’s the one that I would’ve gotten.

    Posts: 276

    That’s a good looking net!

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    You are welcome to demo my new to me RS net and report your findings back to all of us.

    Posts: 3430

    Thanks Dean. I did order a new one and it should be here this week, and I will have to go fishing and give it a try. I will give a report after this weekend.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Google Stowmaster nets. Best I have seen.

    Fargo, ND
    Posts: 91

    I have an RS Net and really like it. No more spending 10 minutes to get a jigging rap or crank bait untangled from it.

    Posts: 3430

    Update: I ordered my net on August 12th. After a week I sent an email asking when they thought the net would be shipped. As of today I have not heard from them. I am sure they make a quality product, but I wouldn’t know for sure yet. I will say that their customer service blows. I have no problem waiting in my situation, but they need to respond to a customer’s inquiry.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Any updates?

    Posts: 276

    You will always know where Mojo is on the lake. His net and handle are perfectly coordinated to his boat!!

    Posts: 3430

    jester I did get the net. I believe it took 17 days to get it. It is a very nice net, as nice a net I have used. I wish I would have ordered the handle just a few inches shorter so it would fit on the floor without having to sit diagonally, but that was on me. While fishing it is a non issue with it standing vertical in a net holder. If you see me and my barber pole in the boat say hello.

    You will always know where Mojo is on the lake. His net and handle are perfectly coordinated to his boat!!

    1. 20170831_105643.jpg

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Sharp net. You have fancier rims on your trailer than I have on my truck smooth.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Good to hear. Glad it worked out. Thanks for the update.

    North Metro
    Posts: 1004

    Mojo and Biggill, you guys just suckered me into one of these nets also. Checked them out at the Sports show last night and ordered one up today. Slight show discount available also.I ended up with the Kelly’s Island 50″ – 96″, same exact net except different colors.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    except different colors.

    Santa ain’t gonna to be happy ’bout that.

    Posts: 3430

    You won’t be disappointed with your purchase. They make a nice net.

    Mojo and Biggill, you guys just suckered me into one of these nets also. Checked them out at the Sports show last night and ordered one up today. Slight show discount available also.I ended up with the Kelly’s Island 50″ – 96″, same exact net except different colors.

    North Metro
    Posts: 1004


    North Metro
    Posts: 1004

    Handling one at the show sold me on it. Built very well and should last thru many years of abuse. Also got a rep name and phone number at the show just in case customer service is an issue.

    Thanks again Mojo.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    I bought the Green Bay model st the show yesterday. Got the red one just like mojo.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1077

    I was wondering who had the barber pole colored rs net at the fyb. I broke my ego on a pike so im in the market again. How does the extender operate on the rs?

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