lakemaster chip waypoints

  • scott burnham
    Posts: 2

    I just bought a lakemaster chip for my hummingbird from what I have read it saves waypoints to the unit my question is when I go to a certain lake will it show 1-5 for that lake or just in general and I have to remember the numbers for a specific lake or will each lake i save for be individual waypoints. Thanks for any help

    Posts: 776

    if it’s like my HDS’S with the oldchip,the chip only has the lake info on it, the waypoints are stored in the gps and just keep a running sequence. I have started to save each set of waypoints to a chip for each lake [then I have a back up,also save to my computor] and erase them ,then when I go back I reload them so I don’t fill up my memory and keep my waypoints organized by lake,but I tournement fish.
    Stan wave

    scott burnham
    Posts: 2

    thanks Bassn7 I figured it would just keep a running sequence when i go to a certain lake will it show my waypoints on the gps for that lake or not. I bought a ice 597ci hd but the mount in my boat was the same so i used this summer on my boat now I am using it on the ice for the first time this year. So far so good.

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