Lakemaster chip for my Hummingbird

  • Charles Harrison
    Posts: 2

    I fish Lake Cumberland, Green River, Barren River and Dale Hollow Lakes. I bought the Lake Master for Kentucky (southeast). These aren’t on the chip. I sent into Lake Master per their web site for these specific lakes but never got response. I looked on line and found other chips but seem to struggle determining exacting what lakes are on the chips. Does anyone know of a Hummingbird depth finder (700 series) chip or web site specific for Kentucky lakes? Thanks chuck

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    Looks like you have the right area card

    HCSE4 | Lakemaster | 600023-6

    ? Barren, Barren
    Barkley, All counties*
    Beaver, Anderson
    Cairo, Ballard
    Cannon Creek, Bell
    Cave Run, Rowan*
    Cumberland, Whitley
    Greenbo, Greenup
    Green River
    Kentucky Lake, All counties*
    Malone, Todd
    Nolin, Hart
    Ohio River:
    -Greenup, Lawrence
    -Myers (JT Myers), Henderson
    -McAlpine, Trimble
    -Ohio River to Lock 1, Henderson
    Smithland Pool, Crittenden
    Taylorsville, Spencer

    Do you have the latest version of this card?

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    I also see that
    Barkley, All counties*?
    Barkley Pool, Montgomery
    Cheatham, Davidson ???
    Cherokee, Hawkins*???????
    Chickamauga Lake, All counties*???
    Cordell Hull Reservoir, Jackson
    Couchville, Davidson
    Dale Hollow, Fentress

    When you display this Dale Hollow
    does it display the whole Lake?

    jerry golay
    Posts: 11

    you may also try HB chart select. you can buy individual lakes and load them on your own SD card. sometimes cheaper than the whole card if you just need a couple lakes. they’re like $20 a lake.

    Charles Harrison
    Posts: 2

    Thank you for replying. I have LakeMaster South East v 2.0? I don’t have Barren, Cumberland or Green River for example. At this point I guess maybe I have an old one that I bought new last November. I will go on line and see if I can find a new verison…bummer….(thus the reason it was on sale perhaps)…chuck

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