Lake Superior salmon

  • bowtecmike
    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    I own a business in Superior WI I check in on once every week or two. I decided this week to bring the boat up after doing some scouting the previous week and seeing two harbors had an open launch and water looked good. We went out Tuesday got a bit of a late start had the lines wet at about 7:45am and in the first 90 mins we pulled 3 quick steelhead biggest was 7lbs fish were on stick baits and planer boards in shallow water. We came around the point and there were several fisherman on the breakwall in two harbors fishing all of a sudden at about 9:30 they all left and I soon found out why the fishing came to a hault. We trolled for another 3 hours without a single bite. We just caught part of the hot bite unfortunately I haven’t heard much of any cohos or kings being pulled. So we ended out trip with 4 steelhead total here are a few pics from the trip we had some nice snow. But glass calm water beautiful day out on superior!

    1. image-35.jpeg

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    3. image-33.jpeg

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I’m quite jealous. Hoping to make it up there in the next few weeks.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    It was fun I’ll be up again soon for sure. But on the water much earlier. Just waiting on my new boat I sold mine yesterday so I’m in limbo a bit.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    Nice. No lakers? Maybe the open water has them scared deep.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    No couldn’t get a taker I marked a few from 65-140ft but no action.

    Posts: 27

    The Coho’s had been biting really well a few weeks ago. The last couple weeks they have slowed way down for some reason?

    Duluth, Mn
    Posts: 306

    Thanks for the report. Which landings are open? I’m pulling the boat out of storage on Thursday.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Two harbors is where I went out.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    That sounds fun. One of the downsides of my boat being stored is not even having the chance to do this.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Yeah I unfortunately sold my boat and I’m boat less u til 3/15 waiting on the new one as soon as I get it I plan on being back up there for another trip.

    Duluth, Mn
    Posts: 306

    Sorry guys, I pulled my boat out yesterday and now we’re going to get up to 4″ of snow today. My bad.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    McQuade is wide open. Heard the landing was full over the weekend.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Any reports on the big lake I’m heading up on Monday and Tuesday to fish and info is appreciated.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    I’m a little late with my follow up been a busy week. I made it out 3/28&3/29 also yesterday for a few hours last week the water temp was 32.6 I went out of mcquades ramp found plenty of bait schools. Fishing was slow picked up 3 lakers in 120feet in 4-5 hours of fishing. Snagged my first down rigger ball that was not fun but I was able to get the ball back after 10 mins in 3-4 foot waves working it loose. Tuesday 3/29 again went out of mcquades ramp pulled 1 coho 1 steelhead and 2 lakers steelhead and lakers were 5lbs each nice couple days on the water. Same water temp got all the fish in 90-120ft.

    Yesterday 4/5 put in at mcquades at 6am it was 18 degrees out little chilly but beautiful calm morning. Water was down to 31.2 degrees and found some areas that were I disable with thin coats of fresh ice formed. Fished for 4 hours pulled 2 lakers 1 coho and had a few others shake off after a short fight. Nice morning until the wind and snow blew in around noon. Here’s some pics I took as well.

    1. image-20.jpeg

    2. image-19.jpeg

    3. image-18.jpeg

    4. image-17.jpeg

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    Sorry about the pics they were all correct when I loaded them. Here’s a few more.

    1. image-22.jpeg

    2. image-21.jpeg

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I appreciate the report. If I don’t make it to the rainy this year, I’ll probably have to head up there soon.

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