Lake Pepin Monster.

  • robby
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    I watched a documentary on “Pepie” Lake Pepin’s version of Nessi from Lock Ness, or Champ from Lake Champlain. I found interesting. I love these sort of documentaries. I am not saying that I believe them, but anything is possible. Like Bigfoot or UFOs or Et’s. Any thoughts? Anyone else viewed this program?

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6019

    Bigfoot No
    Ufos yes
    ET no
    Peppie no

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    The year was 2011, I believe. I was out off pigs 3-waying some creek chubs. The water was super low that summer…Off in the distance I saw something hairy…So I grabbed by bino’s thinking it was pepie…Nope…Turns out, it was BK fryin’ up some spam on the flats.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    The year was 2011, I believe. I was out off pigs 3-waying some creek chubs. The water was super low that summer…Off in the distance I saw something hairy…So I grabbed by bino’s thinking it was pepie…Nope…Turns out, it was BK fryin’ up some spam on the flats.

    This made me actually LOL! Thanks.

    Posts: 3944

    This was caught on the sippi

    1. KIMG0965-scaled.jpg

    2. KIMG0963-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 2872

    Sheldon funny you should put that picture on here.
    I was in the bar having a soda pop the day they brought that beast in.It was a Thurs.i believe,about 4:30.
    I had heard of the ongoing battle to subdue it but thought it was Bud and Tud on another bender.Maybe some other non-prescription drugs,ya never know.
    I heard the loudest screams and cheers out side so i stepped out to see what the fuss was.I could’nt believe what i saw but that damned thing on a trailer.I could also tell the boy’s had been on a good bender.
    We all celebrated till the wee hours of the morning and the rest is history as they say.
    Had to look at that critter alot back in the day and it ain’t any prettier in person.
    As far as sea monsters,nope don’t believe in them.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11126

    They got any a those in pool 10?
    Askin for a friend. wink

    Posts: 2872

    EP there every where on that stretch of the river.They are nocturnal and very seldom hunt before midnight.

    Posts: 3944

    The story I got when I asked the bartender about it was that BK had been upstream chumming for it with spam and hamms, it was not divulged if it was straight out of the cans or in some form of digestion.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1791

    “3-waying some creek chubs” meant something entirely different when I used to go up to mudfest in Hillman

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    The year was 2011, I believe. I was out off pigs 3-waying some creek chubs. The water was super low that summer…Off in the distance I saw something hairy…So I grabbed by bino’s thinking it was pepie…Nope…Turns out, it was BK fryin’ up some spam on the flats.

    Man i haven’t heard that point brought up in like a decade! can you tell me where pigs is again? I fished it so long ago, I don’t remember where other than the Wisconsin side somewhere between the start of the lake and Maiden Rock?

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