Morning All,
Just wanted to post a quick message to let everyone know a few things. I have been getting a bunch of PM’s asking what my guide rates are, if I have a resort and things of that nature.
I wanted everyone to know that I am not a guide and I don’t have any kind of resort. I am not on any “Pro Staff”. I am very simply a 43 year old guy that spends a ton of time on Lake Erie. I fish the lake all year round. I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea and think I am a guide. I was not “hired” by IDO to help them out. I was not wanting anything from them at all. Super cool to meet the guys though I must say.
To that point, that is what makes Lake Erie so great! You don’t need a guide. You don’t need to pay anyone to take you to where we were. Waste of money if you ask me hiring a guide in the winter. With that being said, there are a couple great ice guides over there for people that want to use them. Lake Erie is not set up like that in the winter time. It’s not like a Ballards Resort or the other lodging places you all have up in MN. Lake Erie is set up for the open water season where there are a ton of charters and places to stay. If you want to see what Erie is like from your own house, fill your bathtub up and look at the bottom. Yep, that’s the Western Basin of Lake Erie. Except for a hand full of reefs, she’s flat as a pancake. 30′ is the deepest water you will find in the Western Basin. Getting to ice fish Lake Erie in the winter time is a treat. There will be some winters where we might not get to fish her at all. I fish with a friend over there (RevPilot here is his name I think) and he know’s just as much if not more about Erie than I do. It’s a team effort over here and we all work together to keep safe and catch fish.
What I am trying to say is, if you want to get a group of guys and come over here, let me know, we will help you. We can get you up to date information that you need. IE: Hotels, the bite, safe ice, where to launch etc etc. I’m trying to get it to where we can share info with each other and everyone that is part of IDO can get on nice fish. On my bucket list is to go out to MN and places out by all of you and fish sometime and I will need help.
So at the end of the day, I just wanted to help the IDO guys out. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s not about money for me. It’s about getting to see guys catch these great fish. So if you “Western IDO’ers” ever want to come to Lake Erie, just let the “Eastern IDO’ers” know and we will help you out.
PS: I’m not fishing with them today, but if the bite turn’s on today and they catch 1/2 of the fish we were marking yesterday, it’s going to be an incredible show to watch on Sunday!
Take care guys.