kudos to dad and the judge….

  • Pete S
    Posts: 277

    CHARLOTTE, Mich. (AP) — A distraught father seething over sexual abuse suffered by three daughters tried to attack former sports doctor Larry Nassar in a Michigan courtroom after a judge rejected his request to confront the “demon” in a locked room, a stunning rush that reflected the anguish felt by parents who trusted him with their children.

    Randall Margraves was blocked by an attorney, tackled by sheriff’s deputies and hauled out of court Friday. He later apologized, saying he had lost control. Eaton County Judge Janice Cunningham said there was “no way” she would fine him or send him to jail under her contempt-of-court powers.

    “I don’t know what it would be like to stand there as a father and know that three of your girls were injured physically and emotionally by somebody sitting in a courtroom. I can’t imagine that,” the judge said.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    So what was the outcome to the perpetrator?
    Did he walk or???

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    He was sentenced to 175 years.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    He’ll be lucky if he serves 1.

    I hear inmates are big gymnastics fans.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    As the judge said in court ” i am giving you the death penalty.”

    As far fetched as it sounds 175 years isn’t enough for this pig. Hopefully jail house justice cuts his sentence to a handfull of beatings and then they kill him.

    Posts: 149

    no reason to waste money on scumbags! fry him up quick!!

    Posts: 1671

    I wonder why all the IBEW advertising he was wearing. Was that on purpose do you think? He was wearing an IBEW sweatshirt when he rushed the guy and when they interviewed him outside he was wearing a jacket with the union logo. Seemed deliberate to me for some reason, but I can’t figure out why. Maybe not.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    What are you getting at? So he’s an electrician who is pro union?

    Posts: 1671

    What are you getting at? So he’s an electrician who is pro union?

    I’m not getting at anything. I’m an IBEW member also. Just thought it looked deliberate. Maybe not. Even the logos are jumbo sized compared to the sweatshirts/jackets I can get from them. If I was going to be speaking to an audience, most likely on TV, I would probably dress more professional than a sweatshirt and a carhart jacket. Just sayin. And I am pro union. I just was wondering. I guess if he was looking for his “Brotherhood” to back him up, mission accomplished from reading his go fund me page. I think it’s awsome, just was curious pug.

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