• Lund4Life
    Posts: 51

    B-Man Said “A much funnier group is the 93X morning show. Those guys are a entertaining, and it never gets old.”

    I agree 1,000%. These guys crack me up. I listen to sports with Randy Shaver every morning on my way into work. They aren’t politically correct (unlike the KFAN morning show) which is refreshing.

    B-Man I do disagree with one of your points. You can never play enough Chili Peppers.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    …and I don’t care if you didn’t say anything about Tony @glenn57 )

    oh i remember Tony, but thatwas like a lifetime ago!!!!! jester whistling also remember Bryce, he was a tool!!!!!!!!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Does anyone remember when the show started? It was the Tom and Dan show with Mary Ann Sullivan.
    Back in the early days it was a great show, funny as heck. Then Bernard got up on his pulpit.
    The time I spend listening to anything on KQ is far and few between. The music selection is sooo predicable, same old crusty songs over and over again. Why don’t they try flipping the records over and letting us hear some deep cuts?

    And finally – Tommy B, can you tell me once again how great your kids are, how wonderful your wife is and how you can kick everyone’s ass. I didn’t catch the last 1 million times you reminded me of that in the past 15 minutes.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    And finally – Tommy B, can you tell me once again how great your kids are, how wonderful your wife is and how you can kick everyone’s ass. I didn’t catch the last 1 million times you reminded me of that in the past 15 minutes

    ….and how no one in this state can drive. Especially if it snowed overnight. coffee

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    …and how you can kick everyone’s ass.

    In a chicken wing eating contest?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    sheez…………..i ask about Zepp and Terry………. and get brought down memory lane with tommy b.

    is it safe to say you guys are not fans of his podcast?????? devil devil roll

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    haven’t listened to any podcasts. In the morning flip between stations. 93x is always good although some of the games they play can be too much. Surprised Terry hasn’t landed on another station. Bernard is ok in small doses sometimes you get sick of hearing over and over how great he is and how he knows everyone and their always his buddy.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Does anyone remember when the show started? It was the Tom and Dan show with Mary Ann Sullivan.
    Back in the early days it was a great show, funny as heck. Then Bernard got up on his pulpit.
    The time I spend listening to anything on KQ is far and few between. The music selection is sooo predicable, same old crusty songs over and over again. Why don’t they try flipping the records over and letting us hear some deep cuts?

    And finally – Tommy B, can you tell me once again how great your kids are, how wonderful your wife is and how you can kick everyone’s ass. I didn’t catch the last 1 million times you reminded me of that in the past 15 minutes.

    This was the era I was familiar with. Song parodies like “Hang down your head Ted Bundy”, “Everyone knows it’s OJ”, etc. Lost track of KQRS when Tony Lee left.

    Posts: 2123

    How many more years of his contract is left?

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 551

    It really started with the Cat and Kincaid………….then he got fired and it was the Dave Dworkin show. The he got rehired and it was the Tom and Heidi show.

    As bad as you make him out to be – move out of state and try to find anything remotely entertaining. You won’t. When I get back to Mn, I try to make time to listen. It has changed a lot but I still find it entertaining. Even my wife comments she likes it and “sure beats the hell out of anything in SW Ohio”.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    It really started with the Cat and Kincaid………….then he got fired and it was the Dave Dworkin show. The he got rehired and it was the Tom and Heidi show.

    As bad as you make him out to be – move out of state and try to find anything remotely entertaining. You won’t. When I get back to Mn, I try to make time to listen. It has changed a lot but I still find it entertaining. Even my wife comments she likes it and “sure beats the hell out of anything in SW Ohio”.

    i agree……………theres alot of KQ wannabes out there!!!! IMO!

    Morel King
    Posts: 524

    Exactly love me some KQ rotflol

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Love/hate KQ—-If I were Rod Serling and we were entering the twilight zone I would have Tom meet himself but not recognize himself-imagine how he would describe ‘himself’ on air. Dude has a great voice and is funny (love classic rock too-so KQ has a preset in my car) Anyway with everything getting so bland I hope Tom never retires.

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