Raced the rain this morning. Dropped the kids off at daycare and went out to Rice to see if the high winds would get the walleyes feeding. First off I went to an area that I had confidece in from the past. Got nothing. Went to my second area where a buddy told me try was also void of walleye. Though there were some hammer handles there. Moved to a weed line near a steep drop off and took two 16″ walleyes in 15 minutes. Through out some markers to mark the weed line and continued trolling shallow shad raps, fat raps, and x-raps through the area. Slammed fish on every pass. Alough the only walleyes were the first two. I nailed many bass and some northerns up to 30″. Quit at noon with one walleye and one northern for supper tonight.
August 24, 2006 at 7:25 pm