Whooping Cranes

  • Todd_NE
    Posts: 701

    Just a note. There are Whooping Cranes present at Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge as of 11/15. They haven’t updated their site since then. They also listed 100,000 Ducks and 87,000 Dark Geese. My brother reallly got into the geese down there last week pit hunting in stubble.

    Thought I’d let you guys know if you are desperate to see a Whooping Crane. I’ve seen them twice in my life. Big suckers for sure. We had some fly over us and land a few hundred yards from our blind at Harlan County when I was younger. When we called the NGP boy that did get a lot of excitement going!!! The wardens and feds used our blind to watch them for days until they left, they’d always land in the same spot on the lake every day by Hunter’s Cove.

    You might call ahead if you go down to make sure they’re around. I always loved driving through the refuge and will Friday on my way back home. Saw my first mountain lion there years ago too but no one believed me or my buddy

    Happy Turkey Day.


    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    Whooping Cranes are neat. I’ve been fotunate enough to see a few pairs over the years. I have also been noticing more Sandhill Cranes over the past few years over here in the Mississippi flyway. Both of these species of cranes were something we never saw back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. They must be on the comeback along with the Bald Eagles, Black Tipped Pelicans, ducks and geese. Another species I have been seeing many more of are the snowy egrets.


    Posts: 701

    It really does seem as though flyways and patterns are changing. And I think changing for the worse in Nebraska!

    We certainly see our share of sandhill cranes in this state, they are not hunted here either like in many states now.

    There were 7 in the flock I remember as a kid and then I saw a pair later. Monstrous birds.

    have a good holiday

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