I have and never again. It works great, but the whole woods smell like fuel oil for a long time. I would use Basal oil, kerosene or even cheap motor oil. Good to add a dye as well.
I’ve had good luck cutting and treating the stumps. However, I’d like to do something to speed up the process and get ahead of the game. So I want to do some basal bark treatments and just let them stand and cut down at a future date
I haven’t used either of them but they are the preferred chemical on bt.
I use tordon rtu.
I carry a machete and paint brush. Hack the bark a few times and paint the tordon on. Kills em so I’m sure the 2 you mentioned would work too.
Dam I hate buckthorn!
I’ve also sprayed em with roundup when they have leaves. Mixed heavy.
I have used garlon and tryclopyrand diesel fuel. I have also mixed with water.
If you spray in the cold you will need to use diesel or mineral oil to keep it from freezing.
I have had success with water spraying on the leaves in late spring. Or mix with mineral oil or diesel and spray on the bark. Preferably in a branch crotch. Be careful as the garlon can transmit to nearby trees through intertwined roots.
It seems buckthorn is a never ending battle.
I use Triclopyr mixed with some old heating oil i have, or diesel fuel is fine. spray around the trunk about 12 inches above ground, dont need much. works great from october thru early spring, before it starts growing again. I just sprayed a bunch in late October. Good info can be found on U of Minnesota website also.
Used a product called Crossbow mixed with diesel per instructions. Applied it to the bottom 18 inches of trunk of buckthorn up to 4 inch diameter with a garden pump sprayer and within a year, roots and runners rot out, and can kick it over. Smell in the woods went away in couple days, but spray on the work clothes needs to be aired out for a few days before washing.
I have used Brush killer found at Fleet Farm spray the foliage and gone works on all types of woody brush, small trees, briers and will not kill grasses. I use it on all my fence lines.
I have worked up from covering stumps with cans, Crossbow, and now I’m trying Garlon 4 Element 4 with diesel as my oil. I will let you know the results.
Meanwhile, I’m supposed to mix it to an “emulsion”. How do I know I’ve mixed it enough? I’m using a paint mixer on a hand drill and mixing for a minute, until it is frothy. It’s hard to google this, all the hits are about the % mix.