Kids Today WTF

  • John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    So what is wrong with kids these days. News reported a bunch of morons shooting fireworks at people and cop cars. I know it happened last year, but people were targets not just buildings. A friend of mines daughter works a food trailer at the Coon Rapids carnival and she was attacked with fireworks being shot inside of the trailer while she was working. Major damage to the trailer and she was terrified, they were calling her white and entitled and other things. I feel like an old man bitching about kids, but what the heck is going on here, where are the parents?

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    where are the parents?

    This is the question. Kids have always been crazy, rambunctious, ill mannered. Virtue has to be learned. If no one is there to teach them this or discipline when needed it creates chaos.

    Posts: 4802

    they were calling her white and entitled and other but what the heck is going on here, where are the parents?

    if it were a white person doing this to any black person it would be all over the national news. lack of parenting at its finest right there. its funny how somebody can call them entitled when they are working and trying to earn there money while the people shooting fireworks and acting like animals are not working. so whos the entitled one? ???

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    You guys remember the Simpsons episode where Bart lit off a cherry bomb in the school bathroom? I don’t think kids today are necessarily “worse” than kids in past generations. I think every generation has its troublemakers and its share of mischief. Part of the trouble that makes today’s kids seem worse is that with technology and social media we hear about everything, and we hear about it much quicker too.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    I disagree… they are worse and getting worser. Fireworks in a food truck ? People have always lit off fireworks where they shouldn’t, but in an enclosed trailer where someone is inside ? Talk about easy to lose an eye… or more. Agree on the “not a hate crime” therefore no news, because its backwards.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Part of the trouble that makes today’s kids seem worse is that with technology and social media we hear about everything, and we hear about it much quicker too.

    While I totally agree with this, I just don’t think when we were kids we would have shot fireworks at people. I was not a great kid my any means, but would have never done it. One problem is when I was a kid, I was afraid to be arrested and what would happen when I got home or got picked up. These kids have no fear of this.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    One problem is when I was a kid, I was afraid to be arrested and what would happen when I got home or got picked up. These kids have no fear of this.

    That is a very valid point. With today’s world it seems it’s not as acceptable anymore to spank or otherwise reprimand your kids. 30-50 years ago kids probably had a healthy fear that they’d get their moon beat if they did something so horrible as to cause others harm or put others in danger. Too many kids don’t have that fear or respect anymore.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    July 6, 2023 at 9:37 am#2212243
    John Rasmussen wrote:
    they were calling her white and entitled and other but what the heck is going on here, where are the parents?

    if it were a white person doing this to any black person it would be all over the national news. lack of parenting at its finest right there. its funny how somebody can call them entitled when they are working and trying to earn there money while the people shooting fireworks and acting like animals are not working. so whos the entitled one?

    This is the exact thought I had.
    I did some dumb stuff as a kid. Not once did I do anything that would have caused someone else harm unless we both agreed. (Roman candle wars or BB gun wars comes to mind) I also would have rather had the cops catch me instead of my dad. Today you can’t discipline your own child and the cops can’t do anything but let you go. Because of this things are getting worse. There are no more repercussions.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1435

    The real questions is what’s is wrong with parents these days? It started years ago with the power they took away from the school teachers, Johnny got in trouble in school only to have a parent yell at the school system for discipline there golden child. I still believe that there are alot of good parents but it only takes a few bad apples. Parents need to learn to parent first, friend comes second. Father in law used to say if they had work to do they wouldn’t have time to do stupid things. Get your children a job ever notice the people’s age working in fast food these days.

    Posts: 4487

    On the news last night they showed a group of kids going insane shooting fireworks at a cop car. Cop never got out cause no matter what he/she would have done would have been wrong cause it was black kids.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Kids will do whatever they are allowed to get away with. And we have a Governor who let Minneapolis and the 3rd precinct burn largely by kids. And a MSP Mayor and City Council (and majority of residents who re-elected/elected them) that have neutered the police. So we are left with kids thinking there are no repercussions for their actions, because there often are not. So the fireworks, stolen cars and increases in crime are all a derivative of that.

    Galesville, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1517

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Sharon wrote:</div>
    Part of the trouble that makes today’s kids seem worse is that with technology and social media we hear about everything, and we hear about it much quicker too.

    While I totally agree with this, I just don’t think when we were kids we would have shot fireworks at people. I was not a great kid my any means, but would have never done it. One problem is when I was a kid, I was afraid to be arrested and what would happen when I got home or got picked up. These kids have no fear of this.

    Exactly same first thought that came to mind. My fear of the old man’s belt was a far greater driver in behavioral modification than the legal consequences. Now neither of those are present.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    This got me thinking. What could I do if I saw this happening? I know I would want to tackle the kid and restrain him until the cops came. But would I be the one getting arrested for tackling a minor of a different race? The cops can’t do anything to the minor other than maybe make that person responsible for paying for the damages. “Sounds like we need more firework laws.” Sarcasm

    Posts: 4802

    This got me thinking. What could I do if I saw this happening? I know I would want to tackle the kid and restrain him until the cops came. But would I be the one getting arrested for tackling a minor of a different race? The cops can’t do anything to the minor other than maybe make that person responsible for paying for the damages. “Sounds like we need more firework laws.” Sarcasm

    good question. fireworks can cause alot of damage and bodily harm. if they are trying to cause harm by shooting fireworks into a trailer how is that any different than them shooting a gun at them?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    This got me thinking. What could I do if I saw this happening? I know I would want to tackle the kid and restrain him until the cops came. But would I be the one getting arrested for tackling a minor of a different race? The cops can’t do anything to the minor other than maybe make that person responsible for paying for the damages. “Sounds like we need more firework laws.” Sarcasm

    Knock them out and walk away

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    fireworks can cause alot of damage and bodily harm. if they are trying to cause harm by shooting fireworks into a trailer how is that any different than them shooting a gun at them?

    Me and the friend (Dad) were talking about that, where would the line be drawn, we both carry. Would it have been legal if she was for her to take action, she feared for her life, was in a trailer with 4 walls and a door. Could the use of force be allowed if you will at that point? Would that count as castle doc?

    Posts: 4802

    Me and the friend (Dad) were talking about that, where would the line be drawn, we both carry. Would it have been legal if she was for her to take action, she feared for her life, was in a trailer with 4 walls and a door. Could the use of force be allowed if you will at that point? Would that count as castle doc?

    I would like to know the answer to that also

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>John Rasmussen wrote:</div>
    Me and the friend (Dad) were talking about that, where would the line be drawn, we both carry. Would it have been legal if she was for her to take action, she feared for her life, was in a trailer with 4 walls and a door. Could the use of force be allowed if you will at that point? Would that count as castle doc?

    I would like to know the answer to that also

    Its an interesting topic. Id imagine the duty to retreat would come up somewhere.

    Posts: 4802

    Its an interesting topic. Id imagine the duty to retreat would come up somewhere.

    in the permit to carry classes that ive taken retreat is always the first thing but if your stuck in a trailer that may be kind of hard. im sure its one of those grey areas that could go either way

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Carter Johnson wrote:</div>
    Its an interesting topic. Id imagine the duty to retreat would come up somewhere.

    in the permit to carry classes that ive taken retreat is always the first thing but if your stuck in a trailer that may be kind of hard. im sure its one of those grey areas that could go either way

    It does leave a very big grey area

    Posts: 25044

    I Agree on the “not a hate crime” therefore no news, because its backwards.

    Except it is exactly that a HATE crime.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    Kids will do whatever they are allowed to get away with. And we have a Governor who let Minneapolis and the 3rd precinct burn largely by kids. And a MSP Mayor and City Council (and majority of residents who re-elected/elected them) that have neutered the police. So we are left with kids thinking there are no repercussions for their actions, because there often are not. So the fireworks, stolen cars and increases in crime are all a derivative of that.

    Maybe you should protest at the Capitol in St Paul and make your voice heard lol

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    You guys remember the Simpsons episode where Bart lit off a cherry bomb in the school bathroom? I don’t think kids today are necessarily “worse” than kids in past generations. I think every generation has its troublemakers and its share of mischief. Part of the trouble that makes today’s kids seem worse is that with technology and social media we hear about everything, and we hear about it much quicker too.

    I hate to disagree with you Sharon, but they are way worse these days. At least way worse than in my childhood days ( Yes that was a long time ago ) I see kids doing and saying things these days that almost no kid I knew would have. They would have got their _ss kicked twice back then. By a adult seeing or hearing the situation, and a send time when they got back home from their parents. Its just far to easy to say nothing has changed, but sadly things have.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I’m so sick of hearing that “kids these days are so bad.”

    Kids have not changed. Parents, family structure, and the morals of adults in society that they should be able to lean on and be molded by have changed. When children take a deep breath on their own outside the womb they are a blank slate when it comes to behaviors, decision making, morals, etc.

    All kids lie from the second they learn to shake their head yes or no. It’s from that point forward where who they encounter or raises them will have the biggest impact on who they become as a person.

    Minors who commit crimes should have consequences. Parents who are terrible at their jobs should have consequences. If a kid thinks it’s ok to launch fireworks at someone else, they have issues. It is also likely that their parents have even larger issues and are failing at the most important job they will ever have.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    ^ very well said bucky applause

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Amen Bucky!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Sadly, its true. When the government made it more lucrative to hitch to them, rather than the father of their child… society made a major turn for the worse. This is across all races… no father in the house means more $$$

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Totally agree Bucky, my tittle should have said Parents these days WTF!

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