Kids Home Today

  • Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5292

    I don’t want to be that guy talking about how tough we were when I was younger (I’m 46 btw), but did kids really need to stay home?

    I get that it’s cold but bundle the kids up and send them on their way. Am I wrong thinking this?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13083

    that answer can be painted with a really broad brush. i brought that up in the weather thread. and dutchy and a few others had good points.

    today its the bitter cold and add a bit of wind. many years ago our school district almost didnt get the kids sent home soon enough because od snow…..on a friday. they almost ended up with kids over a weekend……and from what i understand….there school lunch food gets delivered for a 1 or 2 day advance.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2108

    they were 2 hours late up here..

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Parents don’t know how to dress their kids today. I’d rather see them at home then freezing walking to school.
    Today schools are treated as a daycare because both parents work.

    Posts: 1247

    2hrs late for mine as well

    Posts: 4485

    I asked my mom this morning when she came to watch my kids if we got out for the cold when I was their age and she said we did. (50) Im sure the buses would be running behind from the kids waiting in the house. Would you want your kid outside for 10-20 minutes waiting. The people that complain do it because its an inconvenience for them. Lucky my kids mom works at the school now so when their off shes off.

    Posts: 4485

    We didnt get deliveries at work today because GM wouldnt send their truck drivers out because of the cold.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12649

    I’m with you Matt, ours already had the day off, but there are apps to track your bus now and half the stops have a parent waiting in a running car. Cold shouldn’t be a reason to cancel imo. I (we) are old enough to remember the first time it ever happened back when I believe Arne Carlson cancelled it statewide.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    We didnt get deliveries at work today because GM wouldnt send their truck drivers out because of the cold.

    Says alot about their vehicles……

    Posts: 4560

    The buses would not start also, it more then the kids dressing up for the cold

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5292

    Our daughter goes to a private school without buses so I was really surprised they cancelled. At 7pm last night they sent an email stating they wouldn’t and then they rescinded that at 9pm.

    I can see the argument where if the district is heavily reliant on buses the need to at least delay.

    For once I do agree with Dutch…seems like parents don’t know how to dress their kids anymore. Maybe it would be too dangerous.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    The buses would not start also, it more then the kids dressing up for the cold

    They’re are plenty of schools operating today. Busses will start in the cold if they’re prepared for it.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6799

    We didnt get deliveries at work today because GM wouldnt send their truck drivers out because of the cold.

    They really urine me off. Always the first one to take there drivers off the road.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5292

    I asked my mom this morning when she came to watch my kids if we got out for the cold when I was their age and she said we did. (50) Im sure the buses would be running behind from the kids waiting in the house. Would you want your kid outside for 10-20 minutes waiting. The people that complain do it because its an inconvenience for them. Lucky my kids mom works at the school now so when their off shes off.

    Maybe for some it’s an inconvenience but a lot of parents work from home now. Pretty easy to give the kid some activities or throw on some movies.

    I love having our daughter home…I don’t work so it’s great to hang out.

    Posts: 598

    I really, REALLY struggle when we cancel school all day – but we still have all practices and sporting event games/matches on this afternoon & tonight. Priorities??

    Posts: 9401

    I really, REALLY struggle when we cancel school all day – but we still have all practices and sporting event games/matches on this afternoon & tonight. Priorities??

    Where is this?

    For our district if the day is cancelled or early out due to weather then all activities are cancelled

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I dont know the answer. Seems logical to avoid the risk but I know its hard on the family scrambling to take care of young kids. At the same time adversity is good for children. I grew up in Michigan and while we did have snow days, there was no such thing as cold days.

    Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 222

    I really, REALLY struggle when we cancel school all day – but we still have all practices and sporting event games/matches on this afternoon & tonight. Priorities??

    Yup…daughters district cancelled (Minnetonka) and this morning, grandkids hockey practice was already scheduled for early afternoon today! Unbelievable…

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4396

    Rural districts worry about busses jelling and stranding kids with no heat. Liability issue maybe?
    I agree about dressing/clothes on kids. Half of our high school wears shorts all year it looks like to me. doah

    Posts: 598

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>
    I really, REALLY struggle when we cancel school all day – but we still have all practices and sporting event games/matches on this afternoon & tonight. Priorities??

    Lake City and I’m on the school board. We will be having discussion as this was our policy. No school – no activities. And now at 1:00 they have shot around in the gym already….
    Where is this?

    For our district if the day is cancelled or early out due to weather then all activities are cancelled

    Karl Hungus
    Carver County, Minnesota
    Posts: 222

    Of course cancelling school for safety reasons is one thing and I get it to a point. On the other hand, my grandkids aren’t going to walk 17 miles uphill to the arena for the impromptu practice that got scheduled cuz school is out. Mom’s going to deliver them to the door in the minivan she warmed up 20 minutes before leaving…then on the way home probably hit the drivethru at Starbucks for an $8 hot chocolate! It’s a different world since I was in grade school in the 60s!

    Posts: 25016

    I (we) are old enough to remember the first time it ever happened back when I believe Arne Carlson cancelled it statewide.

    I remember this well. It was while I was in college at Bemidji State. The cold we experienced then is on a completely different level than this cold snap. We honestly didnt even get above zero for almost a month. The one morning I woke up because I had to call in when there was bad weather to work (drove cold weather test vehicles for Chrysler) and pulled up the local channel and it was -58. Regular air temp, not wind chill. My GMC was parked outside unplugged and I figured I better try and start it. Started right up. Decided to take it for a drive and went past volkswagon, Ford and Mercedes engineering facilities and they had jump boxes everywhere. I just laughed and honked my horn.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12321

    My father was a superintendent of schools in rural Minnesota for 25 years. Calling school off for cold or snowing versus not calling it off, he got the same number of calls from complaining parents.

    If you call off school then you get parents complaining that now they have to miss a day of work and spend it with their kids. In some cases the way they complained you’d think it was a fate worse than death. You also get the sports crazy parents complaining that now there’s no practice or games are canceled and this is going to put us behind the competition. We’ll never win a championship with wusses like you in charge.

    And if you don’t call off school you get complaints from the safety parents. What are you thinking not calling off school. My kids almost died at the bus stop. They were surrounded by wolves. Etc etc.

    You can’t win. It’s never the right call.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BigWerm wrote:</div>
    I (we) are old enough to remember the first time it ever happened back when I believe Arne Carlson cancelled it statewide.

    I was sitting up in the middle of Lake of the Woods those couple days, fishing just SW of Garden island off of Starren shoal. Fishing with Jakes NW Angle resort, we took a bomber from Youngs Bay all the way down to his houses. Never felt cold like that in my life before or since. The radio (yes, radio) said the temp was -43 in Warroad, and the windchill was -102 (old calculations). Just stupid cold.

    The wind was picking up snow off the lake and it was a near whiteout but we caught a good mix of fish that day surprisingly, perch, pout, sauger and eye’s. We were dang lucky that the bomber didnt have issues.

    Posts: 13070

    Damned if you damned if you don’t.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9117

    Today it’s not always the school district either, rather the bus company. Most districts do not own their busses and are contracted through a company. Most of these contracts state that they work with the Superintendent to decipher cancellations and delays, but hold the ultimate authority if they deem it a safety risk for their drivers or students who will be riding their busses.

    It’s crazy how “crazy” some parents get about this. When I was a kid, I loved to PLAY whether it be outside on snow days, inside wrestling siblings/building legos/hammering away in the garage. My parents were happy for me when I got a snow day as they liked seeing me happy. Also keep in mind that 99% of public schools today have school-aged daycare through 6th grade that often runs even when school is canceled. Here today there were all kinds of kids being dropped off by working parents at their usual times. I think they charge $15 a day if you do not qualify for free/reduced lunch? It might even be less with some grants our district has received.

    The biggest issue of all may be that there are far too many parents in today’s world that legitimately get mad about having to spend time with their children or change their routine to accommodate their kids first. It’s a very sad truth, yet is very telling of some of the youth struggles in society that exist today but didn’t years ago.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4121

    Grouse you are 100% correct, and that’s reflected in comments on IDO over the years and comments you hear from others in society. Seems like every time school is late or cancelled I’ll hear someone at work say “they cancelled school for THIS??” I understand that unexpectedly having kids at home is a big challenge for a lot of people, but oftentimes I feel like that’s all that matters to some. I think some (not all) people that got wound up about school closures during Covid weren’t worried about in-person learning or social interaction, they were upset that they had to figure out a way to take care of their kids during the day. Again, I get it. The only thing that should really matter is the safety of the kids and not putting them in a risky situation in the cold/snow etc.

    Posts: 4485

    My 7 year old didnt wanna let me go this morning cause she thought I should get to stay home to. I wish I could of but when work is only 2 people and the other guy has pneumonia not really a choice. Most years I use most of my vaca days when kids home sick or appointments and stuff. Part of being a dad.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13083

    My 7 year old didnt wanna let me go this morning cause she thought I should get to stay home to. I wish I could of but when work is only 2 people and the other guy has pneumonia not really a choice. Most years I use most of my vaca days when kids home sick or appointments and stuff. Part of being a dad.

    well nowadays, thanks to tampon timmy……you get to stay home and get paid for it to takes care of other family members!!!!

    and for the life on me i cant remember the name of this new leave. heck…..i even get credited hours working a max 14 hour week stocking shelves at a grocery store!!!!!

    Posts: 4485

    sick and safe pay. Its kind of a farce how it was worded. If you already had 80 hours or more of PTO you didnt have to get more. It only benefits the people who didnt wanna work more than a few hours a week and dont have paid vacation time

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